The *Hel+Movement* “To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” Sun Tzu ****
(Sun Wu: year 545 bc Japanese General)

Grandpa Lawrence, my Grandma Lottie is my heart and soul the 4 Cross boyz! (Uncle Barry the baby of the family in blue, Uncle Mark, My Dad the 2nd oldest, Uncle Larry the oldest) (Akron,OH)

Dad, Mom, the 4 Cross girlz! (Lisa, Me, Cheryl in blue and Heather the baby in pink) (Valdosta, Georgia)
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.In the Hel+Forums, my members and I participate in coming up with solutions, release pent-up thoughts, and having a voice on World Issues. {{I created three forums (Politics-News/Sports/Surf) in 2010 and turned the **Hel+** brand into a company 2 years later.}} **Hel + LLC is very similar to The Matrix if you take the red pill (The terms “red pill” and “blue pill” refer to a choice between revealing an unpleasant or otherwise life-changing truth, represented by the red pill, and(/or) remaining in blissful ignorance, represented by the blue pill. The terms reference the 1999 film The Matrix. Wikipedia)** In addition, (“You can take the girl out of the south, but you can never take the south out of the girl!”)
(In Dimension Earth) If I were to run for President of the United States of America, my platform would be: put a CROSS on it, FIGHT THE ESTABLISHMENT with “Non-Violence” & RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE with “Non-Violence”
via the Hel+Forums is
The *Hel+Movement* “To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” Sun Tzu ****
(Sun Wu: year 545 BC Japanese General)The Hel + Movement
• Helping with RIGHTING wrongs •
*Preventing corruption
should also be part of protecting a country*
With all due respect, not everyone practices religion. The Bible is obviously broken. Jesus Christ is evidently ineffective, because there are more sinners than ever, even in the Vatican, where abusive, criminal, & corrupt behavior is tolerated by law! Try being truthful, kind, good, and decent; that’s the true path to the heavens 4 everyone! It is clear that following Jesus, being religious, & reading the Bible don’t work. There is no way in doing anything outside of God, but I also think that all God want is an end to adult beings acting in an obscene, disgusting, abusive, shady manner, acting criminally, cruel, conceited, poorly, acting with egos or arrogance!
If you read the Bible, follow Jesus Christ, or practice any other religion, God probably doesn’t give a damn, because clearly none of those things are working. Just look at how incredibly crooked/out of control members of Congress are; look at how out of control so-called leaders are on a local, national, & global level; look at how out of control the elites are; look at how out of control the system is because of them. There is such a mess that, unfortunately, no political solution exists. And this is extremely disheartening 4 the people of America & throughout the world!
Furthermore, with all due respect to all in the wealthy class, elites, and all those at the top. Why is it that people who are abundantly wealthy by divine favor—much more than they really deserve—always become poisonous, violent, toxic, abusive, dark, mean, sabotaging, hurtful and depressing? (Do they respond to their blessings and gifts in this way—by becoming toxic, abusive, so on and dark?) If that’s the case, then you are elevating yourself as a human on a pedestal far above all other humans, including the Almighty, which is all well and good, but you will truly discover who the real Almighty is when your time on earth is up!
Those at the top behave as though the human race is such a nuisance to them; their conceit and ego get the better of them; they think they are God’s gift to humanity; they think they are the brightest people alive; they put themselves far above the rest of us; and they lead in such a toxic, abusive manner. To acquire and hold onto their wealth, the elite believe that they must be poisonous, destructive, toxic, dark, and abusive, consisting of abuses, destruction, and devastation. It would be wise to attempt acquiring, obtaining, maintaining and preserving your wealth without any of that. Now that is smart! That right there is true intelligence!
With all due respect to all institutions and individuals, if institutions and individuals in positions of authority are forced to behave in such an unpleasant manner and want to outlaw free speech, because they are unable to take criticism. You are not being criticized by the masses. All we want to do is let you know about any wrongdoings under your leadership and to encourage your improvement we’re just simply basically helping you become better, a better leader.
Please stand down, step down, and shut down your organizations if you are unable to manage people communicating about issues and difficulties!
With all due respect to all grown adult people, how can we as grown adult people from all levels of class and systems, collaborate as a team to discover a solution without resorting to chaos, dark traits & behavior, destruction, toxic behavior, abuses galore, poisonous conduct, and widespread abuses?
Sources An Office in Decline, America’s Leadership Problem #RyanChapman #YouTube #TuckerCarlson
Hel + Politics-Newz + HelCross (X aka Twitter) #america #europe #africa #russia #China #middleeast #southamerica #canada #asia #Global #leadership #problem
**** Hel+ is the KEY ****

@ The National Mall in Washington, D.C. “near Capitol Hill” {{Standing in front of The United States Capitol}}
Hel+ connects people of differing opinions, encouraging the discussion of heavy, but important topics such as politics and religion; topics that are tiptoed gently around in normal conversation.
I’m a Politics-News, Sports, & Surf International Blogger who was a “Air Force Military Brat” for 23 years…so gooooooo Air Force!! At the age of 5, my family moved from Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines to Moody Air Force Base in Valdosta, GA. (My 3 sisters & I grew up watching my dad & his crew build F-16 Fighter Jets, from scratch.) We were stationed at Moody Air Force Base in South Georgia for 13+ years. (Being stationed at one base for this long is un-heard of, for a military family!) At the end of my junior year of high school, my father got orders to Sheppard Air Force Base, TX. (a Air Force “distinguished” *NATO* Training base…where “distinguished” enlisted and officer instructors, are stationed.) It was there where I worked at the Officer’s Club as a server, and served distinguished *NATO* Four-Star Generals. In 1999 my father retired from the Air Force, as a Master Sergeant (Senior Non-Commissioned Officer). I then moved from Texas and back to the southeastern part of the states and have lived in Jacksonville, FL since 1999. I had a excellent excellent excellent experience being a Air Force Brat and I thank the Air Force + my Dad, for that!
Now as a adult I work for the Federal Government, *Department of Defense* (DoD), as a Navy Civilian Government Employee for a “government and waterfront” private contracting company who helps defense contractors like Bath Iron Works, a subsidiary of General Dynamics along with other contractors like Lockheed Martin & Boeing, build-repair naval ships, missile launchers, and other cool stuff for the Navy, from scratch!
On January 2010, I created 3 Hel + forums {politics-news, sports, & surf}, and then turned the **Hel+** brand into a company 2 years later. In the Hel+Forums, my members and I, participate in coming up with solutions, release pent-up thoughts, and having a voice, on world issues!
I also owned a small company, Hel+LLC from 2010-2020, which also stands for Hel+LawrenceLottieCross, & Hel+Sports…plus, I work for a locally owned Jacksonville Beach Boxing Gym as their administrator and sports photographer.
My grandparents, Cross + Gordora are my heroes! My mother is my hero and is the best cook in the whole wide world!! My father is also my hero & is the 2nd oldest of 4 boys. I’m the 2nd oldest of 4 girls. My parents have 4 girls: Lisa, Me, Cheryl, & Heather. I’m the 4th of 9 grandchildren. I was raised on family, culture, religion, and sports.
I was baptized a Catholic so was my upbringing, but then moved & attended a Methodist Church in South Georgia when I was 10 years old. My toddler younger sisters (at the time) & I was members of the youth group, because it was within walking distance from our house. I’m a Catholic Christian, but my true identity is spirituality! 😉 The youth members there are still friends with my sisters and I, to this day. We all have known each other since we were children. I believe that there is a God and/or Higher Being (s), but at the same time I respect other’s beliefs and religion. I am not one of those that shove my religion or beliefs down people’s throats.
I live on the SOUTHSIDE of Jacksonville, FL! Jacksonville, FL is a “hidden jewel” in America! It has the ocean, batting cages, a pro-football sports team, has one of America’s Best NFL Sports Team Owners: “Shad Kahn“, & has my boxing gym ♥ Military Brat!! Goooo Air Force!! My hometowns are in GA, FL, TX, and the Philippines. Luvs Football (GO Dawgs, JAGS, and Falcons), Music, Fashion, Politics, World History, Surfing, Boxing & Golf!
♥ Pinay, Chinese, and Spanish ♥
**Thank you for checking out**
Helen Cross
Owner and CEO, Hel + LLC and Hel + Sports
Sports Photographer, Administrator + Member @ HG Boxing Gym (JAX Beach, Florida)
I hope you have an AWESOME day!! 🙂
Hel + Forums
Politics: Hel + Politics Forum (4,676 + Members)
Sports: Hel + Sports Forum (1, 555 + Members)
Surf: Hel + (You) Surf Forum (1,444 + Members)
**Total Forum Members:**
7,676 +
Hel+Sports Forum

~that is~ (H) as in HelHeaven,
(E) as in Eternal, Existance
(L) as in Lottie + Love, Lead
*(C) as in Cross,
*(R) as in Right + Real,
*(O) as in ONE, ONLY
*(S) as in Special xoxo yes
+(S) as in Special xoxo yes