Jaguars’ vs Detroit
(Re-cap: Hel+Sports style)
Helen Cross
Sports Writer
Jacksonville Jaguars’ Team are “NEW”
and they are “BUILDING UP” per Sportscasters/NFL Analysts for todays’ game, Brock Huard, Greg Jennings, Chris Myers That is the vision, from one of America’s Best NFL Sports Team Owners, Shad Kahn you can also see his vision for our city, in the following: Shad Kahn‘s vision <- GREAT JOB to Shad on his vision of Downtown Jacksonville, fast-forward
to June 2021 the following is Downtown JAX today thanX to Shad and his team 🙂
INSTAGRAM helping with RIGHTING wrongs
Downtown Jacksonville
(Temperature Song by Sean Paul)
The Hel+Movement
(Helping with RIGHTING wrongs)
Sportscasters for today’s game are saying Gardner Minshew is doing, a great job!
Okay so like Detroit has the ball, and I am not really paying any attention to them lol.
It is 1st & 10 = Still not paying any attention to Detroit lol.
2nd & 5 = Still not paying any attention to Detroit, again
3rd & 5 = Detroit’s QB gets sacked, by one of our D!
GREAT JOB JAG’s D! Now, I am paying attention
Dang it a flag,
for offside on our Jags D,
K’Lavon Chaisson #45.
1st & 10, well Detroit still has the ball,
and they did a running play that one of their receivers picked up 3 or 4 yards.
2nd & 7 = lol their play is incomplete.
3rd & 7 = Dang it, there were no coverage on the QB,
UGH … and then Stafford steals / gains yards UGH again!
Its 1st & 10 = 2nd down
2nd & 7 = Yeah one of Detroit’s receivers was able to gain um…about 14 yards here. UGH lol!
3rd down
3rd & 4 = Play is complete, unfortunately.
4th & 1 = 1st & Goal
1st Down
Haha Detroit’s QB overthrows and then a flag.
1st & Goal
Dang it…seven minutes and 37 seconds in the 1st,
Detroit gains a touchdown!
Seven minutes and 37 seconds in the 1st and the score is
Jags = 0 and Detroit = 7
Jags now have the ball and it is 2nd & 8 = Pass to Keelan Cole Sr #84, is complete! Great job to Keelan!
1st & 10 = Running Play
Five minutes and 55 seconds left in the 1st,
it is 2nd & 4 = Running Play
3rd & 3 = Pass to Laviska Shenault Jr #10,
is complete! Great job to Laviska!
1st down
1st & 10 = Play is complete.
2nd down.
Side note: Oh kewl yay and wow…there’s a commercial that looks to be a Filipina Asian lead, in this commercial!
Back from commercial…
It is 2nd & …, well I forgot what this one is,
all that I remember was that it was a running play…
1st Down.
1st & 10 = running play.
2nd down.
2nd & 8 = Our JAGs’ play is incomplete,
because Gardner accidentally overthrew mainly,
because Detroit’s O-Line placed pressure on Gardner.
Two minutes and 42 seconds in the 1st … it is 3rd & 8, and then a time-out, is called.
Side Note: LOL Jaxson DeVille chillin in the stands
bopping his head to the music…jamming out…
Okay so like, I couldn’t find a clip with him doing that,
but here are a few clips of our
Side note: One of our sportscasters/sports analyst mentions that Gardner is the 67% and 12th in the NFL.
4th Down
Side not again: Lol the players are cursing on the field.
One of the sportscasters apologized for it,
and then the other sportscaster was like he likes it
…then says he likes how aggressive the Detroit defenders are.
This event on the field and conversation with our sportscasters/sports analysts
was happening while our Jags’ Kicker, Jon Brown #1 was preparing to kick…
…And then our kicker’s field goal kick, is good! Great job, Jon!
There is one minute and 51 seconds left in the 1st
…and the score is:
Jags = 3, Detroit = 7.
By this time, Detroit has the ball,
and one minute and 36 seconds left in the 1st
Detroit gains a 54 yard run.
What the heck!!!!!!
Yeah, unfortunately our defense are not doing well, at all in the 1st.
They have literally allowed Detroit’s’ offensive line, to gain yards.
Side note: Our defensive line are young and new so…they’ll grow into their positions. They are just going to get better, anyway!
So we all should continue to be supportive and just be a little bit more patient
2nd & 9 = play is complete
1st & Goal
We are now in the 2nd!
1st & Goal
2nd & Goal
Side note: Short to the goal line
Okay…our defense needs to stop Detroit here!
3rd & Goal = Touchdown
Side note: So much for stopping Detroit here lol.
And then Detroit’s field goal kick is, unfortunately good.
We are now at 13 minutes and 41 seconds in the 2nd
and the score is …
Jags =3, Detroit = 14
It is now my Jags’ ball…and then…darn it, lol…
Gardner throws a pass where a Detroit Defender INT’d it.
Side note: Okay so like a commercial comes on that is approved by Joe Biden where an actor plays the role of a man in the military
that consisted of him saying Trump said all of these bad things about military service men when Trump did not say those things. It is like why in the heck, Joe Biden would approve a commercial like that when the writer or reporter who said those lies about Trump, admitted himself, that those words were fabricated.
…We are now back from commercial,
and Detroit has the ball.
1st & 10 = 2nd Down
1st & 10 = play is incomplete.
2nd & 10 = Flag
Flag is on our Jags Brandon Linder #65, for Holding.
Side note: what is a “holding,” penalty?
(A penalty assessed when a player grabs another player
in order to gain an advantage.
Holding can be called on the offense or the defense.
Offensive holding is assessed ten yards
from the previous line of scrimmage
and the down is replayed.
Defensive holding is assessed five yards
from the previous line of scrimmage,
and the offense is awarded a first down.)
2nd & 20 = Detroit’s play is incomplete.
3rd & 20
2nd & 20 = play is incomplete.
3rd & 20
Side note: our sportscasters and sports analyst for today’s game advised
that we have to factor in the wind breeze for the QBs.
On TV, it doesn’t look like it, but when the QB’s throw the ball
they battle the wind breeze issue.
It is now JAG’s ball.
It is 2nd & 5 = My Jags’ play is complete.
1st & 10 = 2nd Down.
2nd & 8 = Play is complete.
1st & 10 = Running Play
2nd Down
2nd & 5 = play is incomplete.
3rd & 5 = play is incomplete.
4th & 5.
Side note: Too cool, we have a man of color,
as our kicker and so far, he is 1 for 1.
JAG’s Kicker: Jon Brown #1.
Okay it is now Detroit’s ball.
1st & 10
2nd down
2nd & 11 = yeah lol I wasn’t paying attention here so …
1st & 10 = 2nd Down.
2nd & 7 = play is complete.
1st & 10 = 2nd Down.
2nd & 7 = Detroit’s play is complete
Flag = Dang it a flag. (I hope is not on my JAGs!)
The flag was for illegal use of hands to face on Detroit’s O lol haha.
Side note: what is an “illegal use of hands to the face,” penalty?
(Illegal use of hands is a penalty in Football that is called on a team
when a player’s hands make contact with an opposing player’s face-area intentionally and forcefully, especially above and around the facemask.
… If this penalty is incurred by an offensive player, the offense is penalized 10 yards.)
2nd & 17 = running play
3rd & 12 = Play is complete, unfortunately. Lol.
Our defense are not doing a great job, again lol UGH!
…but they gain their defense swag, in the 3rd!
1st & 10 = 2nd Down
2nd & 8 = running play
1st & 10 = 2nd down
2nd & 8 = play is complete
3rd down
Congrats to our 1st woman referee for making history, in the NFL, back in 2015! Thank you to the NFL for helping to make this dream for women, come true! Referee Sarah Thomas #53
You can see more about Sarah in the following link:
Side note: Our sportscasters mentions that Jacksonville TIAA stadium
has about a 15%+, 20%+ capacity of fans, at today’s game.
You can read more about TIAA Bank Field
in the following link:
and TIAA in the following link:
June 4, 2018
4th & 6
Side note: Detroit’s 17 yard field goal kick,
is unfortunately good.
Back from commercial and there is now one minute and 53 seconds left in the 2nd
It is now my Jags ball.
1st & 10 = play is complete.
2nd & 10 = play is complete.
3rd down.
3rd & 7 = Play is complete.
2nd & 6 = play incomplete.
3rd & 6 = play is complete.
Great job to Gardner and his receiver, for completing that play!
1st & 10 = play is incomplete.
2nd & 10.
Damn it! Gardner accidentally fumbles!
It is now Detroit’s ball
1st & 10 = 2nd down.
2nd & 7 = Detroit’s play is complete.
2nd & 17 = play is complete.
Detroit’s play is unfortunately complete again lol.
3rd & 17 = play is incomplete. YES lol.
We are now at Half-time!
Side note: Verizon Half-Time Show sportscasters discusses the current climate, of today’s games!
By this time, we are back from the half, and it is still Detroit’s’ ball.
1st & 10 = Running Play
3rd & 10 = YES our JAGs, Joe Schobert #47 INT’s Detroit’s ball!
Checkout how its like at the office, in his case on the field, for Joe and our D, in the following link:
1st & 10 = 2nd Down
2nd & 12 = 3rd Down
3rd & 12 = Play is complete
4th down
4th & 4 = play is incomplete.
We go to commercial.
…back from commercial
It is now, Detroit’s ball.
1st & 10 = running play.
2nd & 8 = Detroit’s play is complete, unfortunately lol.
1st & 10 = play is complete, but a flag is thrown on our JAGs’ D. UGH lol!
Penalty Flag is for, “off sides.”
Side note: what is an “off sides,” penalty?
(A penalty called when a defensive player crosses
the line of scrimmage prior to the snap
of the football by the offense.
Offsides result in a five-yard penalty.
Offsides can also be called on the kicking team during
a kickoff if they cross the line before
the kicker makes contact with the ball.)
1st & Goal = play is complete.
2nd Goal
3rd & Goal = play is incomplete.
4th & Goal = and then Detroit TDs again.
Whatever lol!
It is now seven minutes and 44 seconds,
in the 3rd and the score is…
Detroit = 23, Jags = 3
Detroit is now kicking for the one point at the 10,
and the extra point is unfortunately good. UGH lol.
My Jags now have the ball.
1st & 10 = play is incomplete.
2nd & 10 = play is complete.
3rd & 7 = play is complete.
Great job to Gardner!
He almost got sacked …but escaped!
Excellent footwork on Gardner’s part also for that,
and play is complete to Keelan Cole Sr. #84.
You can see a replay of that phenomenal footwork by Gardner and Keelan in the following:
1st & 10 = play is complete
2nd down
2nd & 8 = Running Play
3rd & 8 = Running play
Darn it, a flag … oh wait, it’s on Detroit lol good haha…
(Automatic 1st down)
1st & 10 = Running play
UGH a flag again…oh wait it is on Detroit’s defense, whew…
The flag was for a, “Neutral Zone.” penalty.
Side note: what is a flag for a “neutral zone,” penalty?
(In American football, the neutral zone can be described
as the length of the football 11 inches (28 centimeters)
from one tip to the other when it is spotted
(i.e. placed on a certain spot) on the field prior to the snap
of the ball during a scrimmage down.)
1st & 5 = high throw from Gardner.
2nd & 5 = running play.
3rd down
3rd & 3
The “Gardner” TOUCHDOWN, by him running it in!
OH MY GOD GREAT JOB, to Gardner! x
(Side note: yeah that’s money!)
That high profiled elite athletic move can be viewed, here:
Detroit now has the ball.
1st & 10 = running play
2nd down
2nd & 5 = play is complete,
unfortunately lol.
1st & 10 = 2nd down.
2nd & 8 = 3rd down.
3rd & 7 = Detroit’s play is complete.
Flag dang it…The flag was for, “roughing the passer.”
Side note: what is a, “roughing the passer,” penalty?
(When tackling a passer during or just after throwing a pass,
a defensive player is prohibited from unnecessarily
and violently throwing him down
and landing on top of him with all or most of the defender’s weight.)
1st & 10 = running play
2nd down
UGH TD again by Detroit…
…ugh whatever, lol
My Jags now have the ball…
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd & 10 = Gardner gains yards…
Damn! A Detroit D, blocks Gardner’s pass!
4th & 10 = Due to that ^, Jags had to punt.
It is now Detroit’s ball.
1st & 10 = play complete,
unfortunately again, lol.
2nd down.
2nd & 5.
3rd down.
1st & 10 = play is complete.
2nd & 10
3rd down
3rd & 10 = Detroit calls for a timeout.
4th & 10 = Detroit kicks a field goal.
(And their field goal kick is unfortunately good, again lol. Whatever!)
Side note: Our sportscasters in today’s game mentions my JAGs almost making it to the super bowl in, 2017
Thank you for that recognition! Greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
It is now Jags’ ball.
1st & 10
1st & 10 = Play is complete to Keelan Cole Sr. #84.
GREAT JOB, Keelan!
2nd down.
2nd & 1.
Here, Gardner had to throw the ball away.
3rd & 1 = play is complete.
1st & 10 = play is complete.
4th & 10 = play is incomplete.
2nd & 10 = play is complete.
Going for 2 = going for two, is incomplete.
Side note: Gardner was trying to run that in,
but he got pressure from Detroit’s O
since our offense wasn’t able to give Gardner
enough time to be able to do that. If that was a successful play,
Gardner’s stats would have
gone through the roof, today!
That could have been like two touchdowns, for Gardner
if his offense-line was able to provide him more time…to complete, that play.
It is now Detroit’s ball.
There is now five minutes and 13 seconds left in the 4th
…and the score is…
Detroit = 34, Jags = 16
2nd & 7.
3rd down.
Side note: Jags calls for a time out
At 5:09 in the 4th.
3rd & 4
4th & 1
Darn and a Flag…
The penalty flag was for a False Start.
(I think everyone should know by now, what a false start penalty is for.)
4th & 6
1st & 10
2nd down
2nd & 2 = play is incomplete
3rd & 2
Gardner runs for it gets 1st down. YAY!
1st & 10 = play is incomplete and almost got intercepted.
2nd & 10 = Out of bounds almost intercepted again.
3rd & 10 = play is incomplete.
It is now, Detroit’s ball.
We are at the 2 minute warning, and the score is…
I forgot what the score is lol.
Oh well whatever…
Congrats to Detroit,
on their win, today!
Congrats to my JAGs for being great no matter what
as my JAGs & the NFL, are still the BEST! XOXO <3<3<3
Congrats to Gardner for his TD! X
Good luck to my JAGs on game 7 against the Chargers, on the 25th!
“Jaguars inactives vs. Lions: DE Josh Allen, QB Jake Luton, WR Dede Westbrook, CB Luq Barcoo, DT Abry Jones, DT Daniel Ekuale. Second week in a row Allen has missed because of a knee injury. First game that Jones has missed since 2018.” Michael DiRocco, ESPN Staff Writer
SOURCES: –, -Hel+Sports, – – – – – – – – –
GP1: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 173, TD: 3, SACK: 4 (QBR: 76.7) RTG: 142.3
GP2: PY: G. Minshew II (QB) (Wash St): 512, TD: 6, SACK: 6 (QBR: 78.8) RTG: 115.7, INT: 2, RTG: 115.7, SYL: 47, CMP: 49, CMP%: 75.4, LNG: 45
GP3: PY: G. Minshew II (QB): 787, TD: 6, S: 10 (QBR: 72.4) RTG: 115.7, INT: 3, RTG: 101.3, SYL: 76, CMP: 79, CMP%: 73, ATT: 107, YDS/G: 281+
GP4: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 1133+, TD: 8, SACK: 13 (QBR: 63.5) RTG: 100.0+, INT: 4, RTG: 101.3, CMP: 106, CMP%: 72.1, LNG: 45, ATT: 147, AVG: 7.7, YDS/G: 300.0+
GP5: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 1439, TD: 10, SACK: 16 (QBR: 63.5) RTG: 100.0+, INT: 4, RTG: 99.4, CMP: 137, CMP%: 69.9, LNG: 51, ATT: 196, AVG: 7.3, YDS/G: 305.2, SYL: 95
GP1: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 20
GP2: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 37
GP3: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): YDS: 12, ATT: 12, AVG: 5.0, LNG: 16, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 20.0, FUM: 1, LST: 0, FD: 3
GP4: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): YDS: 69, ATT: 14, AVG: 4.6+, LNG: 16, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 17.3, FUM: 1, FD: 3
GP5: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): YDS: 86+, ATT: 18, AVG: 4.8, LNG: 16, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 17.4, FUM: 1, FD: 5
GP1: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 62
GP2: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 164, AVG: 5.1, LNG: 39, BIG: 1, TD: 1, FD: 8
GP3: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 210, AVG: 4.9, LNG: 39, BIG: 1, TD: 3, FD: 8, ATT: 43, YDS/G: 70.0, FUM: 0, FD: 11
GP4: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 333, AVG: 4.6, LNG: 39, FD: 18, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 66.6, FD: 3, ATT: 73
GP5: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 333, AVG: 4.6, LNG: 39, FD: 18, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 1, TD: 3, YDS/G: 66.6, FD: 3, ATT: 73
GP1: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 10
GP2: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 47, AVG: 6.7, LNG: 14, FD: 2
GP3: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 48, AVG: 6.0, LNG: 14, FD: 3, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 16.0, FD: 3, ATT: 8
GP4: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 53, AVG: 5.9, LNG: 14, FD: 3, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 13.3, FD: 3, ATT: 9
GP5: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 53, AVG: 4.6, LNG: 14, FD: 18, AVG: 5.9, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 10.6, FD: 3, ATT: 9
GP1: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 7, AVG: 3.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.5, FD: 1
GP2: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 7, AVG: 3.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.5, FD: 1
GP3: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 10, AVG: 2.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.3, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0, LST: 0, FD: 1, ATT: 4
GP4: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 10, AVG: 2.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 2.5, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0, LST: 0, FD: 1, ATT: 4
GP5: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 17, AVG: 2.7+, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.4, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0, LST: 0, FD: 1, ATT: 6
GP5: Rushing Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.4, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0 FD: 1, ATT: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): YDS: 47
GP2: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 11, TGTS: 12, YDS: 105, AVG: 9.5, TD: 2, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 52.5, YAC: 33, FD: 7
GP3: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (KentW): REC: 15, TGTS: 18, YDS: 148, AVG: 9.9, TD: 2, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 49.3, YAC: 55, FD: 10, LNG: 23
GP4: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (KentW): REC: 19, TGTS: 23, YDS: 194, AVG: 10.2, TD: 2, BIG: 3, YDS/G: 48.5, YAC: 67, FD: 12, LNG: 23
GP5: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (KentW): REC: 21, TGTS: 27+, YDS: 219, AVG: 10.4, TD: 3, BIG: 3, YDS/G: 43.+, YAC: 67, FD: 14, LNG: 23
GP1: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): YDS: 37
GP2: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): REC: 6, TGTS: 8, YDS: 72, AVG: 12.0, TD: 1, LNG: 18, YDS/G: 36.0, YAC: 18, FD: 5
GP3: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): REC: 11, TGTS: 14, YDS: 105, AVG: 9.5, TD: 1, LNG: 18, YDS/G: 35.0, YAC: 36, FD: 7
GP4: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Col): REC: 16, TGTS: 20, YDS: 190+, AVG: 11.9, TD: 1, LNG: 27+, BIG:3, YDS/G:47.8, YAC: 81+, FD: 10
GP5: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Col): REC: 23, TGTS: 27+, YDS:270, AVG:11.7, TD: 1, LNG: 27+, BIG: 4, YDS/G: 54, YAC:137, FD: 16
GP1: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): YDS: 25
GP2: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): REC: 7, TGTS: 7, YDS: 109, AVG: 15.6, TD: 1, LNG: 45, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 54.5, YAC: 25, FD: 7
GP4: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): REC: 15, TGTS: 16, YDS: 204, AVG: 13.6, TD: 3, LNG: 45, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 68.0, YAC: 37, FD: 13
GP5: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): REC: 18, TGTS: 20, YDS: 220, AVG: 12.+, TD: 3, LNG: 45, BIG: 2, YDS/G:55, YAC: 37+, FD: 14
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): YDS: 6
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 5, TGTS: 8, YDS: 54, AVG: 10.8, LNG: 24, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 27.0, YAC: 32, FD: 3
GP3: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 8, TGTS: 16, YDS: 88, AVG: 11.0, LNG: 24, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 27.+, YAC: 42, FD: 6
GP4: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 11, TGTS: 20, YDS: 132, AVG: 12.0, LNG: 33, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 33.0, YAC: 74, FD: 8
GP5: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 13, TGTS: 22, YDS: 190, AVG: 14.6, LNG: 51, BIG: 3, YDS/G: 37.+, YAC: 78, FD: 9
GP1: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 28
GP2: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 4, TGTS: 5, YDS: 46, AVG: 11.5, LNG: 28, BIG: 1YAC: 56, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 10, TGTS: 11, YDS: 127+, AVG: 12.+, LNG: 27+, BIG: 2, YAC: 133, FD: 5, YDS/G: 43.0
GP4: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 14, TGTS: 15, YDS: 161, AVG: 11.5, LNG: 27+, BIG: 2, YAC: 158, FD: 6, YDS/G: 40.3
GP5: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 19, TGTS: 22, YDS: 183 AVG: 9.6, LNG: 27+, BIG: 2, YAC: 196, FD: 7, YDS/G: 35.+
GP1: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): YDS: 8
GP2: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 4, TGTS: 7, YDS: 44, AVG: 11.0, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 22, YAC: 12, FD: 2
GP3: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 6, TGTS: 10, YDS: 55, AVG: 9.2, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 18.3, YAC: 13, FD: 3
GP4: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 8, TGTS: 16, YDS: 77, AVG: 9.6, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 19.3, YAC: 24+, FD: 4
GP5: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 11, TGTS: 23, YDS: 93, AVG: 8.5, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 17+, YAC: 39, FD: 5
GP1: Receiving Yards: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 5, TGTS: 5, YDS: 40, AVG: 8.0, LNG: 13, YDS/G: 20.0, YAC: 10, FD: 3
GP2: Receiving Yards: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 5, TGTS: 5, YDS: 40, AVG: 8.0, LNG: 13, YDS/G: 20.0, YAC: 10, FD: 3
GP3: Receiving Yards: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 8, TGTS: 9, YDS: 69, AVG: 8.6, LNG: 13, YDS/G: 23.0, YAC: 20, FD: 4
GP4: Receiving Yrds: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 9, TGTS: 11, YDS: 95, AVG: 10.6, LNG: 26, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 23.0+, YAC: 27+, FD: 5
GP5: Receiving Yrds: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 12, TGTS:14, YDS:115, AVG:9.6, LNG: 26, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 23.0, YAC:42, FD: 5
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 6
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 5, TGTS: 6, YDS: 26, AVG: 5.2, TD: 1, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 13, YAC: 11, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 10, TGTS: 12, YDS: 61, AVG: 6.1, TD: 1, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 20.3, YAC: 37+, FD: 1
GP4: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 10, TGTS: 12, YDS: 61, AVG: 6.1, TD: 1, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 15.3, YAC: 37+, FD: 1
GP5: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 13, TGTS:15, YDS: 96, AVG: 7.4, TD: 1, LNG: 15, YDS/G: 19.2, YAC: 72, FD: 2
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): YDS: 14
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 1, TGTS: 4, YDS: 14, AVG: 14.0, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 7.0, YAC: 2, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 2, TGTS: 6, YDS: 17, AVG: 8.5, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 5.7, YAC: 3, FD: 1
GP4: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 2, TGTS: 6, YDS: 17, AVG: 8.5, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 4.3, YAC: 3, FD: 1
GP5: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 5, TGTS: 10, YDS: 47, AVG: 9.+, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 9.+, YAC: 9, FD: 3+
GP1: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): YDS: 2
GP2: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 1.0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, TD: 0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.7, FUM: 0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP4: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, TD: 0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.5, FUM: 0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP5: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, TD: 0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.4, FUM: 0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: D. Westbrook (WR) (Oklah): REC: 1, TGTS: 1, YDS: 4, AVG: 4., TD: 0, LNG: 4, BIG: 0, YDS/G: 4.0, FUM: 0, FD: 0, YAC:0
GP1: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): PTS: 12, REC: 2, TD: 2, TP/G: 6.0
GP3: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 24, AVG: 24.0, LNG: 24, TD: 0, FC: 1
GP4: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 2, ATT: 1, YDS: 24, AVG: 24.0, LNG: 24, TD: 2, FC: 1, PTS: 12, TP/G: 3.0
GP5: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 3, TD: 3, FC: 0, PTS: 17+, TP/G: 3.+
GP1: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, PTS: 6, REC: 0, TD: 0, TP/G: 2.0
GP4: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 1.5
GP5: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, PTS: 6, REC: 0, TD: 1, TP/G: 1.2
GP2: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP2: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 2.0
GP4: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.5
GP5: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.2
GP1: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 3, TD: 3, TP/G: 6.0
GP5: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 17+, REC: 3, TD: 3, TP/G: 4.5
GP2: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 2.0
GP4: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.5
GP5: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.2
GP1: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP2: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 3, PTS: 18, TP/G: 6.0
GP4: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 3, PTS: 18, TP/G: 4.5
GP5: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 3, PTS: 18, TP/G: 3.+
GP1: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): YDS: 0
GP2: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 0, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0
GP3: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 0, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0
GP4: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 0, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0
GP5: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 1, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, TD: 1, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0, PTS: 6, TP/G:1.2
GP3: Scoring: J. Lambo (PK) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 18, TP/G: 6.0, FG: 3, PAT: 6, TP/G: (5.)7.5
GP4: Scoring: J. Lambo (PK) (Illinois State): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 15, TP/G: 6.0, FG: 3, PAT: 6, TP/G: (5.)7.5
GP5: Scoring: J. Lambo (PK) (Illinois State): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 15, TP/G: 0, FG: 3, PAT: 6, TP/G: (5.)7.5
GP1: Scoring: S. Hauschka (PK) (NC State): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 2, TP/G: 2.0, FG: 0, PAT: 2, TP/G: 0
GP1: Scoring: B. Wright (PK): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PAT: 1, 2PT: 0, PTS: 1, TP/G: 1.0
GP1: Scoring: A. Rosas (PK) (South Oregon): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, PTS: 13, REC: 0, TD: 0, FG: 4, PAT: 1, TP/G: 13.+
GP1: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 6, AST: 6
GP2: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 9, AST: 10, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 16, AST: 9, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 23, AST: 13, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 25, AST: 13, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 8, AST: 3, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1
GP2: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 14, AST: 8, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 1, INT: 0: TD: 0
GP3: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 20, AST: 13, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 1, INT: 0: TD: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 23, AST: 14, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 2, INT: 1: TD: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 23, AST: 14, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 2, INT: 1: TD: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 5, TFL: 1
GP2: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 11, AST: 7, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0
GP3: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 17, AST: 9, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 20, AST: 13, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 23, AST: 14, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 6, AST: 3
GP2: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 7, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0
GP3: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 9, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 12, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 12, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 5, INT: 1, PD: 3, YDS: 22, LNG: 22
GP2: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0
GP3: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 11, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 12, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 12, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Wilson (S): SOLO: 3, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, , TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP1: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 4, PD: 1
GP2: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 4, PD: 1
GP2: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 6, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 11, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 13, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 19, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 1, AST: 2
GP2: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0
GP3: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 5, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 5, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 6, AST: 5, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 3
GP2: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 14, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 3, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 2, INT: 1, PD: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12
GP2: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0
GP3: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 12, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 17, AST: 7, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 2, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 17, AST: 8, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 2, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 1, AST: 1
GP2: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 2, AST: 2, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 4, AST: 2, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 4, AST: 4, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 2
GP2: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 2, AST: 3, SACK: 0
GP3: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 3, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 4, AST: 8, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 4, AST: 9, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 2, AST 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 5, AST 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 6, AST 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 7, AST 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 9, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): SOLO: 0, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): SOLO: 0, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): SOLO: 0, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): SOLO: 0, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 1
GP2: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP2: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP3: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 2, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 4, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Wilson (S) (?): SOLO: 3, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: J. Wilson (S) (?): SOLO: 5, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 1, YDS: 48, LNG: 48, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 2
GP2: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 0, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 2, AST: 3, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 4, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 2, SCKYDS: 4, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 2, SCKYDS: 4, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 4, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 6, AST: 0, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 2, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): SOLO: 4, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 0, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 1, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 1, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 1, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP2: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP3: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP5: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 4, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 5, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP1: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:3, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:8, AST: 6, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: D. Costin (DT) (Miami OH): SOLO:2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Costin (DT) (Miami OH): SOLO:2, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 1
GP5: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Lambo (PK) (A&M): FGM: 1, FGA: 2, 50+: 1-1, XPM: 3, XPA: 3, FG: 2, FG%: 100, PAT: 3, LNG: 50, PTS: 9, 40-49: 1-1
GP2: J. Lambo (PK) (A&M): FGM: 3, FGA: 3, 50+: 1-1, XPM: 6, XPA: 7, FG: 3, FG%: 100.0, PAT: 6, LNG: 50, PTS: 15, 40-49: 1-1, TP/G: 7.5, 30-39: 1-1, XP%: 85.7
GP1: S. Hauschka (PK) (NC State): FGM: 0, FGA: 2, FG%: 0.00, LNG: 0, XPM: 2, XPA: 2, XP%: 100.0, 20-29: 0-1, 39-47+: 0-1
GP1: B. Wright (PK) (Georgia State): FGM: 0, FGA: 0, FG%: 0.00, LNG: 0, XPM: 1, XPA: 2, XP%: 50.00
GP1: A. Rosas (PK) (South Oregon): FGM: 4, FGA: 5, FG%: 76.0+, LNG: 50, 20-27+: 1-1, 27+-39: 2-2, 39-47+: 0-1, 47+: 1-1, XPM: 1, XPA: 1, XP%: 100.0
GP1: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 2, YDS: 50, AVG: 25.0, LNG: 39
GP2: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 3, YDS: 50, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, PUNTS ATT: 1, PUNTS FC: 1
GP3: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 3, YDS: 50, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP4: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP5: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 3, YDS: 46+, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1, P ATT: 1
GP1: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP2: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP3: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP4: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 24, AVG: 24.0, LNG: 24, TD:0, FC: 1
GP5: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 2, YDS: 64, AVG: 32.0, LNG: 37+, TD:0, FC: 1
GP1: D. Westbrook (WR) (Oklahoma): ATT: 0, YDS: 8, AVG: 8.0, LNG: 8, TD:0, FC: 1, P ATT: 1
GP1: L. Cooke (P) (Mississippi State): PUNTS: 3, YDS: 136, LNG: 53, AVG: 45.3, NET: 45.3, IN20: 1, FC: 1
GP2: L. Cooke (P) (Mississippi State): PUNTS: 5, YDS: 216, LNG: 53, AVG: 43.2, NET: 43.2, IN20: 2, FC: 1, ATT: 1
GP3: L. Cooke (P) (Miss. State): PUNTS: 8, YDS: 373, LNG: 63, AVG: 46.6, NET: 40.6, PBLK: 0, IN20: 2, TB: 1, FC: 1, ATT: 3, YDS: 27+. AVG: 9.3
GP4: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): PUNTS: 10, YDS: 461, LNG: 63, AVG: 46.1, NET: 41.3, IN20: 2, TB: 1, FC: 3, ATT: 3, YDS: 27+. AVG: 9.3, SOLO:1
GP5: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): PUNTS: 13, YDS: 604, LNG: 63, AVG: 46.5, NET: 42.1, IN20: 5, TB: 1, FC: 3, ATT: 4, YDS: 37 AVG: 9.3
Owner: Shad Khan
President: Mark Lamping
GM: David Caldwell
City Mayor of Jacksonville, FL: Mayor Lenny Curry
Head Coach: Doug Marrone
Offensive Coordinator: Jay Gruden
Quarterbacks Coach: Ben McAdoo
Wide Receivers Coach: Keenan McCardell
Tight Ends Coach: Ron Middleton
Running Backs Coach: Terry Robiskie
Offensive Line Coach: George Warhop
Assistant Offensive Line Coach: Tony Sparano Jr.
Offense-Research: Eric Price
Offensive Assistant: Chris O’Hara
Offensive Quality Control: Denard Robinson
Defensive Coordinator: Todd Wash
Linebackers Coach: Mark Collins
Secondary Coach-Safeties: Joe Danna
Defensive Line Coach: Jason Rebrovich
Secondary Coach-Cornerbacks: Tim Walton
Defensive Assistant: Dwayne stukes
Assistant Linebackers Coach: Tony Gilbert
Special Teams Coordinator: Joe Decamillis
Assistant Special Teams Coordinator: Mike Mallory
Strength & Conditioning Coordinator: Tom Myslinski
Assistant Strength And conditioning Coach: Cedric Scott
Strength and Conditioning Associate: Jess Lagvardt
Strength and Conditioning Associate: Sean Karpf
Director of team Administration: Tyler Wolf
Assistant to the Head Coach and Administrator of Coaching Operations: Elizabeth Mayers
SVP of Communications: Dan Edwards
SVP and CFO: Kelly Flanagan
SVP of Sales and Service and CCO: Chad Johnson
SVP of Corporate Partnerships: Scott Massey
SVP of International Development: Hussain Naqi
SVP and CLO: Megha Parekh
SVP of Jaguars Foundation and Community Impact: Peter Racine
SVP and CMO: Julian Duncan
Scouting Director of Player Personnel: Trent Baalke
Scouting Assistant Director of Player Personnel: Andy Dengler
Scouting Director of Prting o Scouting: Chris Driggers
Scouting Director of College Scouting: Mark Ellenz
Scouting Director of Pro Personnel: DeJuan Polk
Scouting Assistant Director of College Scouting: Paul Roell
Scouting College Scout: Jason DesJarlais
Scouting College Scout: Jarrod Highberger
Scouting College Scout: Jared Kirksey
Scouting College Scout: Marty Miller
Scouting College Scout: Antonio Robinson
Scouting College Scout: Casey Belongia
Scouting College Brian Squeglia
Scouting Scouting Associate: Joseph S. Anile IV
Scouting Scouting Assistant: Kevin Cohn
Throwback Thursdays:
October 29, 2020
(Re-cap: Hel+Sports style)
Helen Cross
Sports Writer
This is how life is like at the office,
for our O-Line, Cam Robinson (OT) #74
It is my JAGs’ ball.
3rd & 4
There is fourteen minutes and eighteen seconds in the 1st
…Crosses the THIRTY & that ball should have been caught,
but despite that, excellent pass by Gardner!
…Now my Jags have to punt!
It is now Chargers’ ball and the Chargers’ QB
Justin Herbert just threw a 58 yard pass.
2nd & 3
Great job to Jags’ D, Josh Jones #29
for stopping Chargers’ receiver, by shoving him out of bounds!
Side note: Coach Todd Walsh gained
30 pts in 5 consecutive games.
Well, the game then went into commercial,
and now we are back from commercial. It is still the Chargers’ ball.
Side note: Hopefully the Chargers fall apart here. Lol.
3rd & 7 = Play is in complete
4th & 7
Field Goal Attempt.
35 yards is Chargers’ kicker attempts,
and his field goal kick is good.
He is now 20 for 20.
It is now my JAGs’ ball
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
…and it’s a 6 yard pick-up
2nd & 4
3rd Down
Gardner gets sacked, here.
Dang it! Lol.
Now we have to punt.
The score is Jags = 0, Chargers = 3
Side note: 443-202 opponent
It is now Chargers’ ball.
Chargers QB, Justin Herbert is 0-4
1st & 10 = Play is incomplete
Side note: Hopefully our defense, steps it up here!
2nd & 10 = Running play
*Across the THIRTY*
2nd & 10
*3rd & 4* = Play is incomplete
4th Down
*4th & 4*
*Coming across the field*
3rd Free Safety
Side note: I’m not sure why I wrote this, but I wrote down in my notes, Brandon Jags Watson, Brandon Watson #40 is Jags’ CB he is 5’11” and 198 lbs, his DOB is 7/11/1995, he is 25 from Michigan.
Another side note: Those on the injured reserve list are,
Andrew Wingard & Sidney Jones
and Chargers’ Melvin Ingram.
Chargers had to punt
haha just kidding…
kidding on the haha part, not really
It is now my JAGs’ ball.
1st & 10
And then a Flag.
The flag was for a false start.
1st & 15
Side note: Lots of Different Helmet Colors in today’s game.
In the following link you can see the evolution of the NFL Teams’ Uniforms…its quite astonishing, actually!…/the_best_and_wor…/s1__30348638……/game-report-chargers-39-jaguars-29
*2nd & 11*
Gardner is sacked again lol dang it!
3rd & 12 = Play is incomplete
Side note: It is *70* degrees in LA,
one of our sportscaster says.
And then…
Leads us to punt
Side note: Yeah, LA’s defense were on my Jags O-Line like the color white is on rice. Lol I crack myself up!
Never mind for those of you that didn’t get that…anyway…get it?
Get it … white on rice…
I was talking about helmet colors, earlier. Whatever…
Now back to the Chargers and their QB, Justin Herbert.
1st & 10
Side note: Watching at the 32 yard line! <- Not quite sure why I wrote that, but I wished I was watching football at the 32 yard line or 50 yard line or in a sky box, which is even better!
2nd & 6 = Running play
3rd Down
3rd & 8 = Running play
Side note: #34 Referee is in the middle of the field and I’m not quite sure why. Lol.
1st & 10 = Running play
Chargers’ receiver, Reed, Joe #12 just gained 36 yard.
But Jags’ Joe Schobert #47 stopped Reed from gaining further yards.
Great job to our Joe!
1st & 10 = Running play.
1st & 10 = Play is incomplete.
2nd & 10
2nd & 10 = Play is incomplete
Flag per Referee #34
Flag was on Tre Herndon #37.
1st & 10 = Running play
Jags’ Joe Schobert #47 stopped Chargers’ receiver.
ThanX Joe and GREAT Job!
2nd & 2 = Running play
Side note: Referee #34 is on the field again.
What the heck!
1st & 10 = Running play
Yup a flag is thrown.
…and then referee #68 & referee #34 <- there he is again,
are on the field.
Flag was for illegal motion, but it’s on
Chargers’ offense #12 yay…kidding…
Side note: what is an “illegal motion,” penalty?
(“Illegal motion” is the name given to a five-yard penalty
called against the offense when an offensive player is in motion
towards the line of scrimmage at the time of the snap.)
1st & 15 = Play is incomplete
Play was incomplete due to good pressure from Jags’ DaVon Hamilton #52.
Great job to DaVon!
2nd & 15
2 & 15 = Play unfortunately complete lol
1st & Goal
…and then the Chargers makes a Touchdown. UGH lol!
The extra point for the Chargers, is no good. YES! Lol!
Score is now JAGS = 0, Chargers = 9
It is now my JAGs’ ball.
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd & 5 = Running play
3rd down
In the following links are info on our sportscasters for today’s game:
Andrew Catalon, James Lofton, Gene Steratone
3rd & 2nd = Sacked! Dang it Gardner got sacked again!
What in the hell, Gardner got sacked, by 5 Chargers!
Our O-line are not helping Gardner lol!
Just let Gardner get sacked y’all UGH lol.
It is now the Chargers’ ball.
2nd down
2nd & 13 = Play is complete
3rd Down
Side note: Injury on the sideline (I can’t read my writing) lol, but it looks like Sidney Jones #25 is injured.
Let’s hope he has a fast recovery!
In the following are JAGs that are on the injury list:
3rd & 7 = Running play
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 8 = Running play
A lot more healthy in today’s game,
per our sportscasters.
1st down
…and then a flag
Referee #34 walks on the field. Announces that our JAGs D, Josh Jones #29 was charged with a penalty flag.
I forgot what the flag was for, because I am multi-tasking…but it costed us 15 yards. UGH lol.
1st & 10 = Touchdown Chargers again…ugh lol!
And the score is now, Chargers 16 and my JAGS 0.
JAGs have the ball.
1st & 10 = Play is complete
1st down = 25 yards (Way to go to my JAGs for moving those chains!)
“Nice job by Gardner!”
per our Sportscasters!
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 6
3rd & 6
3rd & 6 = Play is complete
Our JAGs Laviska Shenault Jr. #10 gained us a 37 yard pickup!
Great job to Laviska! And thank you!
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 2 = Running play = Touchdown, maybe!?!?
Side note: This here should be a touchdown,
but officials are saying it’s short of the end zone.
I personally disagree, and so does Coach Marrone!
1st & goal
That’s a TD!
…and then Coach Marrone throws a challenge Flag,
which is a great decision, on his part!
…and then we go to commercial.
Side note: This is a *REALLY CUTE*
*GMC Hummer EV*
Back from commercial and the challenge was received.
At *7:46 in the *2nd, officials ruled that the challenge was successful,
and indeed, a Touchdown!
Great job to Coach Marrone
on throwing the challenge flag!
Score is now, Jags = 6 and Chargers 16
And the two point attempt was successful!
Updated score is, JAGs = 8 and Chargers = 16
“JAX getting on board,”
per our sportscasters, for today’s game!
It is now the Chargers’ ball.
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down, which led to a 4 yard pick up for the Chargers.
2nd & 6 = Play is incomplete
3rd & 6 = Play is incomplete
4th & 6th = now the Chargers have to punt.
It is now my JAGs’ ball!
1st & 10 = “Jacksonville finally coming to life!”
Per Sportscasters!
Right! Yes!
Per me
1st & 10 = Play is complete
and in LA territory!
1 & 10
2nd & 6 = Gardner throws ball away.
He had to lol better than getting sacked, right 😉
3rd & 6 = Running play is complete
4th & 1 = Running play
4:55 <- uh…why did I write that? Lol.
Ball back with the Chargers.
1st & 10
1st & 10 = Play is incomplete
2nd & 10 = Running play
3rd down
3rd & 5 = Play is incomplete
4th & 5
Great job to my Jags’ D!
They are finally getting their defense swag in the 2nd, which leads to
forcing the Chargers, to have to punt.
4th & 5 = Punt
JAGs have the ball.
1st & 10 = running play, which led to a 13 yard pick up.
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
*2nd & 7*
We are now at the two minute warning!
*2nd & 7* = Play is complete (Gardner escaped)!
Great job to Gardner!
*3rd & 3* = Running play
*1st & 10* = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 9
2nd & 9 = Play is complete
There are now *41* seconds left to play, before the 3rd.
*3rd & 9* = Play is complete
1st down
1st & Goal
1st & goal = Gardner had to throw the ball away again.
“Smart on Minshew’s part!”
per sportscasters!
2nd & Goal
3rd & Goal
Time out is called with 18 seconds left in the 2nd.
…and 3rd & Goal = Touchdown = YAY!
Great job to Gardner Minshew #15
& James Robinson #30!
Going for two!
2 point is incomplete
There are now 11 seconds to go, before the 3rd!
Score is now, JAGs = 14 and Chargers = 16
Side note: Yup knocking on Chargers’ door!
Punt = flag
Yes, the flag is on our punter Logan Cooke, for miscue.
It is now Chargers’ ball.
1st down
1st & 10
…and there is now, 11 seconds left in the 2nd
The ball was almost INT’d
by JAGs Josh Jones #29
2nd & 10
With literally five seconds left in the 2nd
the score is
Jags = 14, Chargers = 16
We are now at the half.
“Unbelievable turn around that 2nd quarter.”
per Sportscasters!
…We are now in the 3rd quarter.
It is Charger’s Ball.
1st & 10
3rd & 1 = Running play
Out comes the punter
preparing to punt.
On 4th & 1, one of our JAGs Daniel Thomas #20
takes the foot off of a Chargers’ receiver and snags the ball, and then scores a TD! You can see the phenomenal block replay in the following:…/daniel-thomas-blocked-punt-touchdown…
The score is now:
*Jags = 20*
*Chargers = 16*
& Lambo’s extra point, is good!
Great job to Lambo!
The score is:
Jags = 21 and Chargers = 16
Ball is back with the Chargers.
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 1 = Play is complete
1st down
1st & 10 = Running play
1st down
2nd down
2nd & 10 = Play is incomplete
3rd & 10 = Play is incomplete
4th & 10
48 yard field goal attempt no good!
Yay lol
Its Jags’ ball!
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 11 = 10 yard pickup by Gardner running it
3rd & 1 = Running play
4th down
4th & 2nd
*8:33* Running play
*8 minutes and 21* seconds left in the 3rd.
1st & 10
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 8 = Play is incomplete
3rd & 8 = Play is complete
1st down = We gained 11 yards.
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 4th = Play 5 on 50
3rd down
3rd & 6th = Play is incomplete
4th & 6 = Great job to Josh Allen #41
for putting pressure on the Chargers’ QB!
1st & 10
…and here is where the Chargers
scores a TD!
Score is now Jags = 21
Chargers = 22
There is now five minutes and 25 seconds left in the 3rd.
Chargers are going for two.
2 point = is incomplete
Thank the Lord! Lol.
Score is still, Jags = 21 and Chargers = 22
It is now JAGs’ ball.
1st & 10
2nd down
2nd & 5 = Gardner sprints for the 1st down
There is a flag on JAGs, Andrew Norwell #68,
and a 10 yard penalty.
There is now four minutes and 38 seconds in the 3rd.
2nd & 15 = Play is incomplete
…and then a flag is thrown
on a Chargers defender.
1st down
1st & 10
There is now, four minutes and 22 seconds left in the 3rd
& play is complete.
…and then a flag is thrown on a
Chargers defender #52.
1st down
*1st & *10 = Play is complete
*2nd *down
*2nd & 7* = Play is incomplete
*3rd & 7*
Looks like JAGs’ DJ Chark #17 is hurt.
*3rd & 7* = and then touchdown JAGs!
…and my JAGs going for two,
is successful!
Score is now JAGs = 29
Chargers = 22
Chargers’ Football.
1st & 10
There is now, one minute and 47 seconds,
left in the 3rd.
…and then a turnover,
by my Jags!
It is now Chargers’ ball, again.
1st & 10 = Running play is incomplete
2nd & 1
1st & goal
2nd & goal
Touchdown Chargers.
Chargers QB TDs…whatever lol.
The score is
Jags = 29
Chargers = …yeah I can’t read my writing lol.
And the score is…again lol…
Jags = 29
Chargers = 35
Their field goal kick, is good. Unfortunately. Lol.
Chargers is now at 36 and my JAGs are at 29.
Side note: Yeah there is like 5 seconds left in the 3rd.
It is now JAGs’ ball.
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 9 = Gardner runs it
& picks up 8.
3rd & 1 = Running play
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 7 = Gardner gets sacked.
3rd & 16 = Play is incomplete
4th & 16 = Now my JAGs have to punt.
Chargers’ ball.
1st & 10
1st & 10 = Play is incomplete
2nd & 10 = Play is complete
3rd down
3rd & 3
1st & 10 = Running Play
2nd down
2nd & 9 = Play is complete
1st & 10 = JAGs’ CJ Henderson #23
He’s good! Yay!
“JAGs is the youngest team in the NFL!”
per the Sportscasters.
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
Flag = Personal Foul on Defense
1st down.
1st & 10
2nd down
2nd & 7
3rd down
3rd & 2 = Play is incomplete
4th & 2 = Chargers’ kicker’s goal kick,
is good.
Chargers ahead by 10. UGH! Lol!
It is now my JAGs’ ball!
There is now six minutes and 26 seconds left in the 4th
1st & 10 = Running play
2nd down
2nd & 6
3rd & 6
Side note: My roommate, and old surf buddy,
who hasn’t been happy with the Jags lately…actually enjoyed the 3rd quarter of the game!
Side note: Dang it…so much for the Chargers
falling apart. Lol. UGH!
2nd down
2nd & 6
3rd & 6
3rd & 6 = Play is complete
4th down
4th & 2 = Going for it
4th & 2 = And the Chargers going for it, is complete.
It’s now my JAGs’ ball.
1st & 10 = Play is incomplete
2nd & 10
2nd & 10 = Gardner runs it
3rd & 8 = Play is incomplete
4th & 8 = Play is incomplete
Back to it being the Chargers’ ball.
There is now three minutes and 56 seconds left, in the 4th.
2nd & 8
3rd down
3rd & 5 = Play is complete
And we now have three minutes and 47 seconds left in the 4th.
1st & 10 = Running play
*Across the 25*
Side note: Coach Marrone calls his final time out.
2nd & 8 = Running play
Side note: Okay so like the sacks were on Gardner,
but some of them and mistakes were on his O-line and on his D-line.
Chargers’ ball.
1st & 10
2nd down
2nd & 11 = 67 yards rushing.
3rd & 1
1st & 10
Side note: I think Gardner did great tonight, minus the sacks!
2nd & 11
There is one minute and 18 seconds left in the 4th
3rd & 12
4th & 12
Congrats, anyway…to the Chargers for their win!
“The Jaguars rebounded from an awful start offensively (four consecutive three-and-outs to begin the game) and trail the Chargers 16-14 at the half. At one point the Chargers held a 154-14 edge in yardage but the Jaguars out-gained the Chargers 174-55 from that point, which includes James Robinson’s two TDs (4-yard rush, 9-yard catch). Robinson is now tied with Pittsburgh WR Chase Claypool with the most scrimmage TDs among rookies (six).”
Michael DiRocco,
ESPN Staff Writer
Chark Jr. caught a season-low one pass for 26 yards Sunday and was targeted seven times. Chark, a Pro Bowl selection last season, has 26 receptions for 291 yards and three touchdowns while playing six of the first seven games this season. “We need to make an effort to get him the ball, because we know how dynamic he can be,” Minshew said. “I know he’s frustrated. He just wants to help the team win. We have to give him the opportunity to do that. Whatever we have to do – the bye week will be a good opportunity to take a look at that and get him back to the Pro Bowl level he really is.”
Gardner Minshew
Jaguars Quarterback #15
“Anytime a coach puts faith in you like that you want to reward him,” Minshew said. “We did at times today and we didn’t at times. But anytime a coach puts up that kind of confidence it kind of resonates with the team.”
Gardner Minshew
Jaguars Quarterback #15
~ Injury Report Update ~
“Further tests confirm Jaguars WR Dede Westbrook suffered a torn ACL against the Chargers, per source. His season is over. Was coming off back-to-back 60-catch seasons in Jacksonville.”
Jeremy Fowler
Super Cute commercials from sponsors
at today’s game:
Walmart +
Capital One café
Kevin hart Chase commercial
Arby’s (YUM)
20 Fill up KFC commercial (YUM)
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– Verizon ½ Time Report, – Verizon, – FORD, – Modelo – State Farm, – Home Depot, – RAM promaster
GP1: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 173, TD: 3, SACK: 4 (QBR: 76.7) RTG: 142.3
GP2: PY: G. Minshew II (QB) (Wash St): 512, TD: 6, SACK: 6 (QBR: 78.8) RTG: 115.7, INT: 2, RTG: 115.7, SYL: 47, CMP: 49, CMP%: 75.4, LNG: 45
GP3: PY: G. Minshew II (QB): 787, TD: 6, S: 10 (QBR: 72.4) RTG: 115.7, INT: 3, RTG: 101.3, SYL: 76, CMP: 79, CMP%: 73, ATT: 107, YDS/G: 281+
GP4: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 1133+, TD: 8, SACK: 13 (QBR: 63.5) RTG: 100.0+, INT: 4, RTG: 101.3, CMP: 106, CMP%: 72.1, LNG: 45, ATT: 147, AVG: 7.7, YDS/G: 300.0+
GP5: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 1439, TD: 10, SACK: 16 (QBR: 63.5) RTG: 100.0+, INT: 4, RTG: 99.4, CMP: 137, CMP%: 69.9, LNG: 51, ATT: 196, AVG: 7.3, YDS/G: 305.2, SYL: 95
GP6: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 1681+(2017), TD: 11, SACK: 17 (QBR: 63.5) RTG: 100.0+, INT: 5, RTG: 94.1, CMP: 162, CMP%: 67.55, LNG: 51, ATT: 240, AVG: 7.0, YDS/G: 297.2, SYL: 107, LNG: 51
GP1: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 20
GP2: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 37
GP3: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): YDS: 12, ATT: 12, AVG: 5.0, LNG: 16, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 20.0, FUM: 1, LST: 0, FD: 3
GP4: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): YDS: 69, ATT: 14, AVG: 4.6+, LNG: 16, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 17.3, FUM: 1, FD: 3
GP5: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): YDS: 86+, ATT: 18, AVG: 4.8, LNG: 16, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 17.4, FUM: 1, FD: 5
GP6: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): YDS: 101, ATT: 21, AVG: 4.8, LNG: 16, BIG: 0, TD: 1, YDS/G: 16.8, FUM: 1, FD: 7
GP1: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 62
GP2: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 164, AVG: 5.1, LNG: 39, BIG: 1, TD: 1, FD: 8
GP3: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 210, AVG: 4.9, LNG: 39, BIG: 1, TD: 3, FD: 8, ATT: 43, YDS/G: 70.0, FUM: 0, FD: 11
GP4: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 333, AVG: 4.6, LNG: 39, FD: 18, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 66.6, FD: 3, ATT: 73
GP5: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 333, AVG: 4.6, LNG: 39, FD: 18, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 1, TD: 3, YDS/G: 66.6, FD: 3, ATT: 73
GP6: Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 362, AVG: 4.3, LNG: 39, FD: 18, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 1, TD: 3, YDS/G: 60.3, FD: 18, ATT: 85
GP1: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 10
GP2: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 47, AVG: 6.7, LNG: 14, FD: 2
GP3: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 48, AVG: 6.0, LNG: 14, FD: 3, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 16.0, FD: 3, ATT: 8
GP4: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 53, AVG: 5.9, LNG: 14, FD: 3, AVG: 6.0, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 13.3, FD: 3, ATT: 9
GP5: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 53, AVG: 4.6, LNG: 14, FD: 18, AVG: 5.9, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 10.6, FD: 3, ATT: 9
GP6: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 55, AVG: 5.4, LNG: 14, FD: 18, AVG: 5.9, BIG: 0, TD: 0, YDS/G: 9.0, FD: 4, ATT: 10
GP1: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 7, AVG: 3.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.5, FD: 1
GP2: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 7, AVG: 3.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.5, FD: 1
GP3: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 10, AVG: 2.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.3, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0, LST: 0, FD: 1, ATT: 4
GP4: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 10, AVG: 2.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 2.5, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0, LST: 0, FD: 1, ATT: 4
GP5: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 17, AVG: 2.7+, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.4, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0, LST: 0, FD: 1, ATT: 6
GP6: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 17, AVG: 2.7+, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 2.8, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0, LST: 0, FD: 1, ATT: 6
GP5: Rushing Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.4, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0 FD: 1, ATT: 1
GP6: Rushing Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.3, FD: 1, BIG: 0, TD: 0, FUM: 0 FD: 0, ATT: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): YDS: 47
GP2: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 11, TGTS: 12, YDS: 105, AVG: 9.5, TD: 2, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 52.5, YAC: 33, FD: 7
GP3: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (KentW): REC: 15, TGTS: 18, YDS: 148, AVG: 9.9, TD: 2, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 49.3, YAC: 55, FD: 10, LNG: 23
GP4: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (KentW): REC: 19, TGTS: 23, YDS: 194, AVG: 10.2, TD: 2, BIG: 3, YDS/G: 48.5, YAC: 67, FD: 12, LNG: 23
GP5: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (KentW): REC: 21, TGTS: 27+, YDS: 219, AVG: 10.4, TD: 3, BIG: 3, YDS/G: 43.+, YAC: 67, FD: 14, LNG: 23
GP6: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (KentW): REC: 27, TGTS: 37+, YDS: 362, AVG: 13.4, TD: 3, BIG: 6, YDS/G: 60.3, YAC: 94, FD: 18, LNG: 51
GP1: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): YDS: 37
GP2: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): REC: 6, TGTS: 8, YDS: 72, AVG: 12.0, TD: 1, LNG: 18, YDS/G: 36.0, YAC: 18, FD: 5
GP3: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): REC: 11, TGTS: 14, YDS: 105, AVG: 9.5, TD: 1, LNG: 18, YDS/G: 35.0, YAC: 36, FD: 7
GP4: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Col): REC: 16, TGTS: 20, YDS: 190+, AVG: 11.9, TD: 1, LNG: 27+, BIG:3, YDS/G:47.8, YAC: 81+, FD: 10
GP5: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Col): REC: 23, TGTS: 27+, YDS:270, AVG:11.7, TD: 1, LNG: 27+, BIG: 4, YDS/G: 54, YAC:137, FD: 16
GP6: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Col): REC: 26, TGTS: 35, YDS:280, AVG:10.8, TD: 1, LNG: 27+, BIG: 4, YDS/G: 46.7, YAC:153, FD: 17
GP1: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): YDS: 25
GP2: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): REC: 7, TGTS: 7, YDS: 109, AVG: 15.6, TD: 1, LNG: 45, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 54.5, YAC: 25, FD: 7
GP4: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): REC: 15, TGTS: 16, YDS: 204, AVG: 13.6, TD: 3, LNG: 45, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 68.0, YAC: 37, FD: 13
GP5: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): REC: 18, TGTS: 20, YDS: 220, AVG: 12.+, TD: 3, LNG: 45, BIG: 2, YDS/G:55, YAC: 37+, FD: 14
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): YDS: 6
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 5, TGTS: 8, YDS: 54, AVG: 10.8, LNG: 24, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 27.0, YAC: 32, FD: 3
GP3: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 8, TGTS: 16, YDS: 88, AVG: 11.0, LNG: 24, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 27.+, YAC: 42, FD: 6
GP4: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 11, TGTS: 20, YDS: 132, AVG: 12.0, LNG: 33, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 33.0, YAC: 74, FD: 8
GP5: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 13, TGTS: 22, YDS: 190, AVG: 14.6, LNG: 51, BIG: 3, YDS/G: 37.+, YAC: 78, FD: 9
GP6: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 14, TGTS: 24, YDS: 196, AVG: 14, LNG: 51, BIG: 3, YDS/G: 32.7, YAC: 84, FD: 10, TD: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 28
GP2: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 4, TGTS: 5, YDS: 46, AVG: 11.5, LNG: 28, BIG: 1YAC: 56, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 10, TGTS: 11, YDS: 127+, AVG: 12.+, LNG: 27+, BIG: 2, YAC: 133, FD: 5, YDS/G: 43.0
GP4: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 14, TGTS: 15, YDS: 161, AVG: 11.5, LNG: 27+, BIG: 2, YAC: 158, FD: 6, YDS/G: 40.3
GP5: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 19, TGTS: 22, YDS: 183 AVG: 9.6, LNG: 27+, BIG: 2, YAC: 196, FD: 7, YDS/G: 35.+
GP1: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): YDS: 8
GP2: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 4, TGTS: 7, YDS: 44, AVG: 11.0, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 22, YAC: 12, FD: 2
GP3: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 6, TGTS: 10, YDS: 55, AVG: 9.2, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 18.3, YAC: 13, FD: 3
GP4: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 8, TGTS: 16, YDS: 77, AVG: 9.6, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 19.3, YAC: 24+, FD: 4
GP5: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 11, TGTS: 23, YDS: 93, AVG: 8.5, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 17+, YAC: 39, FD: 5
GP6: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 11, TGTS: 23, YDS: 93, AVG: 8.5, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 15.5, YAC: 39, FD: 5
GP1: Receiving Yards: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 5, TGTS: 5, YDS: 40, AVG: 8.0, LNG: 13, YDS/G: 20.0, YAC: 10, FD: 3
GP2: Receiving Yards: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 5, TGTS: 5, YDS: 40, AVG: 8.0, LNG: 13, YDS/G: 20.0, YAC: 10, FD: 3
GP3: Receiving Yards: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 8, TGTS: 9, YDS: 69, AVG: 8.6, LNG: 13, YDS/G: 23.0, YAC: 20, FD: 4
GP4: Receiving Yrds: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 9, TGTS: 11, YDS: 95, AVG: 10.6, LNG: 26, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 23.0+, YAC: 27+, FD: 5
GP5: Receiving Yrds: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 12, TGTS:14, YDS:115, AVG:9.6, LNG: 26, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 23.0, YAC:42, FD: 5
GP6: Receiving Yrds: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 12, TGTS:15, YDS:115, AVG:9.6, LNG: 26, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 19.2, YAC:42, FD: 5
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 6
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 5, TGTS: 6, YDS: 26, AVG: 5.2, TD: 1, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 13, YAC: 11, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 10, TGTS: 12, YDS: 61, AVG: 6.1, TD: 1, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 20.3, YAC: 37+, FD: 1
GP4: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 10, TGTS: 12, YDS: 61, AVG: 6.1, TD: 1, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 15.3, YAC: 37+, FD: 1
GP5: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 13, TGTS:15, YDS: 96, AVG: 7.4, TD: 1, LNG: 15, YDS/G: 19.2, YAC: 72, FD: 2
GP6: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 16, TGTS:19, YDS: 111, AVG: 6.9, TD: 1, LNG: 15, YDS/G: 18.5, YAC: 90, FD: 2
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): YDS: 14
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 1, TGTS: 4, YDS: 14, AVG: 14.0, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 7.0, YAC: 2, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 2, TGTS: 6, YDS: 17, AVG: 8.5, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 5.7, YAC: 3, FD: 1
GP4: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 2, TGTS: 6, YDS: 17, AVG: 8.5, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 4.3, YAC: 3, FD: 1
GP5: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 5, TGTS: 10, YDS: 47, AVG: 9.+, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 9.+, YAC: 9, FD: 3+
GP6: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 5, TGTS: 10, YDS: 47, AVG: 9.+, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 7.8, YAC: 9, FD: 4
GP1: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): YDS: 2
GP2: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 1.0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP3: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, TD: 0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.7, FUM: 0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP4: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, TD: 0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.5, FUM: 0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP5: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, TD: 0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.4, FUM: 0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP6: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, TD: 0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 0.3, FUM: 0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: D. Westbrook (WR) (Oklah): REC: 1, TGTS: 1, YDS: 4, AVG: 4., TD: 0, LNG: 4, BIG: 0, YDS/G: 4.0, FUM: 0, FD: 0, YAC:0
GP1: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): PTS: 12, REC: 2, TD: 2, TP/G: 6.0
GP3: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 24, AVG: 24.0, LNG: 24, TD: 0, FC: 1
GP4: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 2, ATT: 1, YDS: 24, AVG: 24.0, LNG: 24, TD: 2, FC: 1, PTS: 12, TP/G: 3.0
GP5: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 3, TD: 3, FC: 0, PTS: 17+, TP/G: 3.+
GP6: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 3, TD: 3, FC: 0, PTS: 18, TP/G: 3.+
GP1: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, PTS: 6, REC: 0, TD: 0, TP/G: 2.0
GP4: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 1.5
GP5: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, PTS: 6, REC: 0, TD: 1, TP/G: 1.2
GP6: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, PTS: 6, REC: 0, TD: 1, TP/G: 1.0
GP2: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP2: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 2.0
GP4: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.5
GP5: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.2
GP6: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.0
GP1: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 3, TD: 3, TP/G: 6.0
GP4: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 17+, REC: 3, TD: 3, TP/G: 4.5
GP5: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): RUSH: 0, REC: 3, PTS: 18, REC: 3, TD: 3, TP/G: 3.6
GP2: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 2.0
GP4: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.5
GP5: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.2
GP6: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): RUSH: 0, REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.0
GP6: Scoring: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): RUSH: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 1.0
GP1: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP2: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP3: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, TD: 3, PTS: 18, TP/G: 6.0
GP4: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, TD: 3, PTS: 18, TP/G: 4.5
GP5: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, TD: 3, PTS: 18, TP/G: 3.+
GP6: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, REC: 1, TD: 4, PTS: 24, TP/G: 4.0
GP1: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): YDS: 0
GP2: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 0, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0
GP3: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 0, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0
GP4: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 0, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0
GP5: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 1, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, TD: 1, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0, PTS: 6, TP/G:1.2
GP6: Scoring: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 1, TGTS: 0, YDS: 0, AVG: 0, TD: 1, LNG: 0, YDS/G: 0, YAC: 0, FD: 0, PTS: 6, TP/G:1.0
GP3: Scoring: J. Lambo (PK) (Illinois State): RUSH: 3, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 18, TP/G: 6.0, FG: 3, PAT: 6, TP/G: (5.)7.5
GP4: Scoring: J. Lambo (PK) (Illinois State): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 15, TP/G: 6.0, FG: 3, PAT: 6, TP/G: (5.)7.5
GP5: Scoring: J. Lambo (PK) (Illinois State): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 15, TP/G: 0, FG: 3, PAT: 6, TP/G: (5.)7.5
GP1: Scoring: J. Brown (PK) (Louisville): RUSH: 0, TD: 0, FG: 1, PAT: 1, PTS: 4, TP/G: 4.0
GP1: Scoring: S. Hauschka (PK) (NC State): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PTS: 2, TP/G: 2.0, PAT: 2, TP/G: 2.0
GP1: Scoring: B. Wright (PK): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, RET: 0, TD: 0, PAT: 1, 2PT: 0, PTS: 1, TP/G: 1.0
GP1: Scoring: A. Rosas (PK) (South Oregon): RUSH: 0, REC: 0, PTS: 13, REC: 0, TD: 0, FG: 4, PAT: 1, TP/G: 13.+
GP1: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 6, AST: 6
GP2: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 9, AST: 10, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 16, AST: 9, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 23, AST: 13, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 25, AST: 13, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): SOLO: 33, AST: 14, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 8, AST: 3, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1
GP2: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 14, AST: 8, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 1, INT: 0: TD: 0
GP3: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 20, AST: 13, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 1, INT: 0: TD: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 23, AST: 14, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 2, INT: 1: TD: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 23, AST: 14, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 2, INT: 1: TD: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): SOLO: 26, AST: 15, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 2.5, PD: 2, INT: 1: TD: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 5, TFL: 1
GP2: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 11, AST: 7, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0
GP3: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 17, AST: 9, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 20, AST: 13, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 23, AST: 14, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 30, AST: 17, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 3, PD: 1, INT: 1, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0, YDS: 2. LNG: 2
GP1: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 6, AST: 3
GP2: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 7, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0
GP3: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 9, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): SOLO: 12, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 5, INT: 1, PD: 3, YDS: 22, LNG: 22
GP2: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0
GP3: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 11, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 12, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 12, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): SOLO: 16, AST: 5, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Wilson (S): SOLO: 3, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, , TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP1: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 4, PD: 1
GP2: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 4, PD: 1
GP2: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 6, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 11, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 13, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 19, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): SOLO: 19, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 2, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 1, AST: 2
GP2: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0
GP3: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 5, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 5, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 6, AST: 5, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): SOLO: 8, AST: 5, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 3, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 3
GP2: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 14, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 3, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): SOLO: 14, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 3, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 2, INT: 1, PD: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12
GP2: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0
GP3: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 12, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 17, AST: 7, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 2, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): SOLO: 17, AST: 8, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 2, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 1, AST: 1
GP2: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 2, AST: 2, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 4, AST: 2, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 4, AST: 4, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): SOLO: 4, AST: 4, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 1, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 2
GP2: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 2, AST: 3, SACK: 0
GP3: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 3, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 4, AST: 8, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 4, AST: 9, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): SOLO: 6, AST: 9, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 2, AST 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 5, AST 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 6, AST 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): SOLO: 7, AST 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 9, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): SOLO: 9, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): SOLO: 0, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): SOLO: 0, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): SOLO: 0, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP2: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP3: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 2, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): SOLO: 4, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Wilson (S) (Michigan): SOLO: 3, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: J. Wilson (S) (Michigan): SOLO: 5, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 1, YDS: 48, LNG: 48, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: J. Wilson (S) (Michigan): SOLO: 9, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 1, YDS: 48, LNG: 48, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 2, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 2, AST: 3, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 4, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 2, SCKYDS: 4, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): SOLO: 4, AST: 3, SACK: 2, SCKYDS: 4, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 4, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 6, AST: 0, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 2, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): SOLO: 7, AST: 1, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 2, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: Cann (G) (South Carolina): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): SOLO: 4, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): SOLO: 5, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 0, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP3: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 1, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 1, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 1, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): SOLO: 5, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Ogunbowale (RB): SOLO: 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0 SCKYDS: 0 TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP2: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP3: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP4: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 4, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 5, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP5: S. Jones (CB) (Washington): SOLO: 8, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 6, INT: 1, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles:0
GP1: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): SOLO: 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:3, AST: 4, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:8, AST: 6, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: D. Allen (LB) (Texas Tech): SOLO:8, AST: 6, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 2, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: D. Costin (DT) (Miami OH): SOLO:2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: D. Costin (DT) (Miami OH): SOLO:2, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: D. Costin (DT) (Miami OH): SOLO:4, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP2: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP3: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP4: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 1
GP6: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): SOLO:3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 1
GP5: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP5: Q. Williams (LB) (Murray State): SOLO:2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP6: Q. Williams (LB) (Murray State): SOLO:2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: K. Correa (LB) (Boise State): SOLO:1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0, Fumbles: 0
GP1: J. Lambo (PK) (A&M): FGM: 1, FGA: 2, 50+: 1-1, XPM: 3, XPA: 3, FG: 2, FG%: 100, PAT: 3, LNG: 50, PTS: 9, 40-49: 1-1
GP2: J. Lambo (PK) (A&M): FGM: 3, FGA: 3, 50+: 1-1, XPM: 6, XPA: 7, FG: 3, FG%: 100.0, PAT: 6, LNG: 50, PTS: 15, 40-49: 1-1, TP/G: 7.5, 30-39: 1-1, XP%: 85.7
GP1: J. Brown (PK) (Louisville): FGM: 1, FGA: 2, FG%: 50.0, LNG: 31, 30-39: 1-2, XPM: 1, XPA: 1, 40-49: 0-0, XPM: 1, XPA: 1, XP%: 100.0
GP1: S. Hauschka (PK) (NC State): FGM: 0, FGA: 2, FG%: 0.00, LNG: 0, XPM: 2, XPA: 2, XP%: 100.0, 20-29: 0-1, 39-47+: 0-1
GP1: B. Wright (PK) (Georgia State): FGM: 0, FGA: 0, FG%: 0.00, LNG: 0, XPM: 1, XPA: 2, XP%: 50.00
GP1: A. Rosas (PK) (South Oregon): FGM: 4, FGA: 5, FG%: 76.0+, LNG: 50, 20-27+: 1-1, 27+-39: 2-2, 39-47+: 0-1, 47+: 1-1, XPM: 1, XPA: 1, XP%: 100.0
GP1: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 2, YDS: 50, AVG: 25.0, LNG: 39
GP2: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 3, YDS: 50, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, PUNTS ATT: 1, PUNTS FC: 1
GP3: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 3, YDS: 50, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP4: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP5: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 3, YDS: 46+, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1, P ATT: 1
GP6: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 5, YDS: 86, AVG: 17.2, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1, P ATT: 1
GP1: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP2: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP3: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 60, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, TD:0, FC: 1
GP4: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 1, YDS: 24, AVG: 24.0, LNG: 24, TD:0, FC: 1
GP5: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 2, YDS: 64, AVG: 32.0, LNG: 37+, TD:0, FC: 1
GP6: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): ATT: 3, YDS: 80, AVG: 26.7, LNG: 40, TD:0, PUNT ATT: 0, FC: 1
GP1: D. Westbrook (WR) (Oklahoma): ATT: 1, YDS: 0, AVG: 0.0, LNG: 0, TD:0, PUNTS ATT: 1, YDS: 8, AVG: 8.0, LNG: 8, TD: 0, FC: 1
GP6: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): ATT: 1, YDS: 7, AVG: 7.0, LNG: 8, TD:0, FC: 1, P ATT: 1
GP1: L. Cooke (P) (Mississippi State): PUNTS: 3, YDS: 136, LNG: 53, AVG: 45.3, NET: 45.3, IN20: 1, FC: 1
GP2: L. Cooke (P) (Mississippi State): PUNTS: 5, YDS: 216, LNG: 53, AVG: 43.2, NET: 43.2, IN20: 2, FC: 1, ATT: 1
GP3: L. Cooke (P) (Miss. State): PUNTS: 8, YDS: 373, LNG: 63, AVG: 46.6, NET: 40.6, PBLK: 0, IN20: 2, TB: 1, FC: 1, ATT: 3, YDS: 27+. AVG: 9.3
GP4: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): PUNTS: 10, YDS: 461, LNG: 63, AVG: 46.1, NET: 41.3, IN20: 2, TB: 1, FC: 3, ATT: 3, YDS: 27+. AVG: 9.3, SOLO:1
GP5: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): PUNTS: 13, YDS: 604, LNG: 63, AVG: 46.5, NET: 42.1, IN20: 5, TB: 1, FC: 3, ATT: 4, YDS: 37 AVG: 9.3
GP6: L.Cooke (P) (Miss.St): PUNTS: 15, YDS: 680, LNG: 63, AVG: 45.3, NET: 41.5, IN20: 5, TB: 1, FC: 4, ATT: 4, YDS: 37 AVG: 9.3
Owner: Shad khan
President: Mark Lamping
GM: David Caldwell
City Mayor of Jacksonville, FL: Mayor Lenny Curry
Head Coach: Doug Marrone
Offensive Coordinator: Jay Gruden
Quarterbacks Coach: Ben McAdoo
Wide Receivers Coach: Keenan McCardell
Tight Ends Coach: Ron Middleton
Running Backs Coach: Terry Robiskie
Offensive Line Coach: George Warhop
Assistant Offensive Line Coach: Tony Sparano Jr.
Offense-Research: Eric Price
Offensive Assistant: Chris O’Hara
Offensive Quality Control: Denard Robinson
Defensive Coordinator: Todd Wash
Linebackers Coach: Mark Collins
Secondary Coach-Safeties: Joe Danna
Defensive Line Coach: Jason Rebrovich
Secondary Coach-Cornerbacks: Tim Walton
Defensive Assistant: Dwayne stukes
Assistant Linebackers Coach: Tony Gilbert
Special Teams Coordinator: Joe Decamillis
Assistant Special Teams Coordinator: Mike Mallory
Strength & Conditioning Coordinator: Tom Myslinski
Assistant Strength And conditioning Coach: Cedric Scott
Strength and Conditioning Associate: Jess Lagvardt
Strength and Conditioning Associate: Sean Karpf
Director of team Administration: Tyler Wolf
Assistant to the Head Coach and Administrator of Coaching Operations: Elizabeth Mayers
SVP of Communications: Dan Edwards
SVP and CFO: Kelly Flanagan
SVP of Sales and Service and CCO: Chad Johnson
SVP of Corporate Partnerships: Scott Massey
SVP of International Development: Hussain Naqi
SVP and CLO: Megha Parekh
SVP of Jaguars Foundation and Community Impact: Peter Racine
SVP and CMO: Julian Duncan
Scouting Director of Player Personnel: Trent Baalke
Scouting Assistant Director of Player Personnel: Andy Dengler
Scouting Director of Prting o Scouting: Chris Driggers
Scouting Director of College Scouting: Mark Ellenz
Scouting Director of Pro Personnel: DeJuan Polk
Scouting Assistant Director of College Scouting: Paul Roell
Scouting College Scout: Jason DesJarlais
Scouting College Scout: Jarrod Highberger
Scouting College Scout: Jared Kirksey
Scouting College Scout: Marty Miller
Scouting College Scout: Antonio Robinson
Scouting College Scout: Casey Belongia
Scouting College Brian Squeglia
Scouting Scouting Associate: Joseph S. Anile IV
Scouting Scouting Assistant: Kevin Cohn

Jaguars vs Tennessee
Helen Cross
Sports Writer
Tennessee gains 60+ yards in the 1st, and then 13 minutes into the game, Tennessee scores a touchdown. What the hell?!?!
Jag’s Andrew Wingard’s (S) coverage is not all that great in the 1st, but he does start to improve a great deal in the 2nd half.…and then Tennessee kicks a field goal, & their field goal is unfortunately good. Not a very good start for our JAGS!
Minshew’s 1st pass turns out to be incomplete!
Then on our Jag’s 2nd play, they run the ball.
Great job to Laviska Shenault Jr on a great catch!
It is now 4th and 3rd!
Great pass by Minshew to #Keelan Cole, and then Minshew gains yards himself 10 minutes in 2nd & 5.
Its 4th and 3rd & the JAGS still has yet to score a touchdown.
Its 4th and 3rd, 1st & 10, Minshew gains the 1st down. Great job to Minshew for sacrificing himself!
Damn it, INT by Tennessee and it is not Minshew’s fault. This unfortunately was our receiver Collin Johnson’s fault with a tip in the air.
With that said, now it’s up to our defense to help turn things around in the 1st.
Well, our pass defense are not doing well. Jags are playing zone.
Our D-Line has to stop Tennessee’s Henry early, and then 5 minutes in the 1st, Tennessee scores their 2nd touchdown.
From the looks of it, we need better coverage from CJ Henderson and Andrew Wingard.
Side note: Getting rid of big name players by the staff affects our performance against high profile teams, like Tennessee.
…But despite Tennessee making the playoffs last season, we still should prove Tennessee wrong!
What needs to be done to turn this around by the Jags, besides stopping Henry early, is also better coverage by the back field on Tennessee’s receivers.
It is now five minutes into the 1st, Robinson gains yards!
Excellent perfect 45 yard pass completion by Minshew to DJ Chark Jr.
We are still in the 1st, we can still score a touchdown!
TD is what I said, and then what does the JAGS do…Jags scores a touchdown!
Side note: see the difference in the coverage on Tennessee’s side by #55
…back to the touchdown, Touchdown by JAGS Tyler Eifert! Great job!
And the Jags’ field goal is good!
The Jags are now behind by only 1 TD!
Three minutes in the 1st, the JAGS trying to stop Tennessee, and then a false start penalty flag on Tennessee.
We need a pick here by like our D to get an INT! Yes two false starts by Tennessee! YES!
I yelled at the big screen to get ‘em by the foot is what I said and what does the Jags do, gets them, by the foot!
Yes, 3rd false start penalty, by Tennessee.
Side note: Hopefully Tennessee starts falling apart lol!
3rd & 5, Jags stops Tennessee!
One minute left in the 1st, and Tennessee gains yards. It’s like our D-Line are not even trying, especially in coverage!
Jags’ 1st penalty flag on our D’s Taven Bryan.
Side note: seconds left in the 1st, why are our D not sacking Tennessee’s QB?
We are now in the 2nd, and 13 minutes into the 2nd, Jags K’Lavon Chaisson sacks Tennessee’s QB. Great Job to K’Lavon!
Touchdown here! YES!
No messing around! This is not the time to be messing around. 12 minutes into the 2nd with no messing around, we’ll have a tie game!
11 minutes into the 2nd & the pass to DJ Chark Jr is complete!
Side note: Looks like the Jags are trying to control the game.
It is now 2nd & 8, and 10 minutes into the 2nd, the Jags are running the ball.
3rd & 8, 10 minutes into the game, a flag is thrown on Minshew for delay of game.
And then … Badass DJ Chark Jr gains yards!
Unfortunately the 2 bad plays by Minshew; the 1st is delay of game, and the 2nd he just allowed to get himself sacked instead of getting rid of the ball.
Seven minutes in the 2nd, and the Jags’ D-Line are doing a great job stopping Henry!
It is now minutes left in the 2nd, and we need an INT here, by our D-Line!
Thank goodness Jags’ D are still…doing a great job at stopping Henry!
The Jags still held Tennessee’s Henry to 6 yards!
Again great job to Jag’s D as they are still doing a great job at stopping Henry!
One minute and 55 seconds into the 2nd and the Jags are still one TD behind Tennessee.
Broke in coverage: No Jags coverage on Tennessee’s # 81, which caused Tennessee’s 3rd touchdown in the 2nd.
It’s like our D-Line are not reading Tennessee’s plays on the spot!
One minute and 47 seconds into the 2nd, the score is Jags 7 and Tennessee 21.
One minute and 34 seconds left in the 2nd, we can still score.
Great pass by Minshew and great catch by Laviska Shenault Jr.
34 seconds left in the 2nd, we can still try to score. Oh my gosh, please Jag’s O-Line, SCORE a TD!
Great pass by Minshew and great job to Keelan Cole.
Side note: Falcons are killing Dallas. Falcons 26 and Dallas 10.
It’s 3rd down and Minshew had to throw the ball away as he needs to get the ball to Laviska Shenault Jr just in case he can run it.
Seconds left in the 2nd, and coverage by Tennessee is insane! Dayum!
And then two drop passes by Minshew, which I’m sure furiates Minshew by now!
(But it’s his own damn fault, so he can only blame himself, lol!)
Great job to Andrew Wingard for stopping Tennessee seconds left into the 2nd.
Seconds left into the 2nd, the score is Jags 10 and Tennessee 24.
Side note: YAY a woman of color as a field reporter!
13:20 in the 3rd, #65 Brandon Linder injured!
Ten minutes and 55 seconds in the 3rd are real quick 5 yard running booms.
Great job to Robinson on running the ball and gaining yards!
9 minutes and 55 seconds in the 3rd and the Jags are moving those chains.
8 minutes and 35 seconds in the 3rd, great job to Laviska Shenault Jr, on that catch!
7 minutes and 15 seconds in the 3rd great job to Chris Conley, on that catch!
And then James Robinson, scores a TOUCHDOWN!
7 minutes and 4 seconds left in the 3rd, we basically took 8 minutes off the clock, which is extremely good!
Jags 17 and Tennessee 24!
Jags knocking on Tennessee’s door!
We need at least 3 touchdowns to win this game, and we are not even talking about field goal points yet either!
Damn it we are six minutes and 56 seconds in the 3rd, and there is a penalty flag on Jags’ D, for holding.
Damn it again, five minutes and 53 seconds in the 3rd & it literally took two of our Jags’ D to stop Tennessee’s Henry.
It is now five minutes left in the 3rd, and Tennessee’s O-Line are gaining yards fast! UGH!
And then, four minutes and 55 seconds in the 3rd & the Jag’s gain their 6th yes I said SIX penalty flag today…
Jag’s Leon Jacobs got to Tennessee’s Henry before he got started. Great job to Jacobs!
Its three minutes left in the 3rd, and the Jag’s coverage on Tenn. yet again sucks!
Jags’ defense yet again fails to read on the spot the opposing team, in this case, Tennessee’s plays!
Seconds left in the 3rd, great pass by Minshew, and great catch by Robinson!
Side Note: I can’t really read my notes, due to me writing fast, but from the looks of it…it looks like Tennessee has the ball and gained 86 yards?
Which explains why Minshew walked off the field all pissed off! Pissed off at himself, I guess. I can’t really read my notes, but I think it’s from him throwing an INT to Tennessee. Damn my chicken scratch notes!
UGH…Defense needs to step up!!! Our Jags’ defense is playing like shit. LOL! UGH!
And then finally, touchdown Jags! Great JOB TO Minshew and Keelan Cole on that TD!
It is now Tennessee’s ball and we need 2 more touchdowns to win this game & that’s with our Jags Defense holding Tennessee for the rest of the game!
13 minutes in the 4th, way to go to our D-Line for holding Tennessee!
We need one or two big mistakes from Tennessee, in the 4th!
Facemask penalty flag on Tennessee’s defense. Yes lol!
Great job to Jags’ Laviska Shenault Jr for moving those chains!
Great job to Robinson…this right here, 10 minutes, and 48 seconds left in the 4th…could define our season!
Way to go to Chris Conley for gaining 20+ yards 9 min in the 4th!
The clock is still running and the Jag’s gained a 1st down, 8 minutes and 37 seconds in the 4th.
YES! Touchdown Jags! Thank you!!!
And our field goal kick, is good!
It is now seven minutes and 25 seconds left in the 4th and our Jags and Tennessee, are at a tie!
Tennessee has the ball and damn it, they just gained 33+ yards, six minutes in the 4th.
But great job to CJ Henderson, for stopping Tennessee!
We just need Tennessee to make one mistake! Please Tennessee make one mistake lol pretty please!
Five min left in the 4th and 3rd down!
5.5 minutes left in the 4th, and the Jags & Tennessee, are still at a tie!
If Minshew gets time to throw the ball, it’ll go down the field! …And then a damn flag!
Now Tennessee has the ball. If Tennessee has the ball mid field that means the Jags need an INT!
We are now at the 2 minute warning, and the Jags & Tennessee are still at a tie!
Craziness is happening seconds left in the 4th, because the Jags are behind by only three so that means that the JAGS still have a chance to beat Tennessee for the 1st time since 2013, and then Minshew chokes lol DAMN IT! LOL!
Despite that, the Jags actually still did GREAT!
Well despite the JAGS breaking my undefeated super bowl champ hopes and dreams that I had for them, they still did GREAT!!!!
The End! 🙂 <3 <3
#SOURCES: –, -Hel+Sports, –
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GP1: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 173, TD: 3, SACK: 4 (QBR: 76.7) RTG: 142.3
GP2: Passing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 512, TD: 6, SACK: 6 (QBR: 78.8) RTG: 115.7, INT: 2, RTG: 115.7, SYL: 47, CMP: 49, CMP%: 75.4, LNG: 45
GP1: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 20
GP2: Rushing Yards: G. Minshew II (QB) (Washington State): 37
GP1:Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 62
GP2:Rushing Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 164, AVG: 5.1, LNG: 39, BIG: 1, TD: 1, FD: 8
GP1: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 10
GP2: Rushing Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Illinois State): YDS: 47, AVG: 6.7, LNG: 14, FD: 2
GP2: Rushing Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 7, AVG: 3.5, LNG: 5, YDS/G: 3.5, FD: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): YDS: 47
GP2: Receiving Yards: K. Cole Sr. (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): REC: 11, TGTS: 12, YDS: 105, AVG: 9.5, TD: 2, BIG: 2, YDS/G: 52.5, YAC: 33, FD: 7
GP1: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): YDS: 37
GP2: Receiving Yards: L. Shenault Jr. (WR) (Colorado): REC: 6, TGTS: 8, YDS: 72, AVG: 12.0, TD: 1, LNG: 18, YDS/G: 36.0, YAC: 18, FD: 5
GP1: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): YDS: 25
GP2: Receiving Yards: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): YDS: REC: 7, TGTS: 7, YDS: 109, AVG: 15.6, TD: 1, LNG: 45, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 54.5, YAC: 25, FD: 7
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): YDS: 6
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Conley (WR) (Georgia): REC: 5, TGTS: 8, YDS: 54, AVG: 10.8, LNG: 24, BIG: 1, YDS/G: 27.0, YAC: 32, FD: 3
GP1: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): YDS: 28
GP2: Receiving Yards: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): REC: 4, TGTS: 5, YDS: 46, AVG: 11.5, LNG: 28, BIG: 1YAC: 56, FD: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): YDS: 8
GP2: Receiving Yards: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 4, TGTS: 7, YDS: 44, AVG: 11.0, TD: 1, LNG: 19, YDS/G: 22, YAC: 12, FD: 2
GP2: Receiving Yards: J. O’Shaughnessy (TE) (Illinois State): REC: 5, TGTS: 5, YDS: 40, AVG: 8.0, LNG: 13, YDS/G: 20.0, YAC: 10, FD: 3
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): YDS: 6
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 5, TGTS: 6, YDS: 26, AVG: 5.2, TD: 1, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 13, YAC: 11, FD: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): YDS: 14
GP2: Receiving Yards: C. Johnson (WR) (Texas): REC: 1, TGTS: 4, YDS: 14, AVG: 14.0, LNG: 14, YDS/G: 7.0, YAC: 2, FD: 1
GP1: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): YDS: 2
GP2: Receiving Yards: B. Miller (FB) (UCF): REC: 1, TGTS: 2, YDS: 2, AVG: 2.0, LNG: 2, YDS/G: 1.0, YAC: 4, FD: 1
GP1: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: K. Cole Sr (WR) (Kentucky Wesleyan): PTS: 12, REC: 2, TD: 2, TP/G: 6.0
GP1: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: L. Shenault Jr (WR) (Colorado): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 3.0
GP2: Scoring: T. Eifert (TE) (Notre Dame): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP1: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1
GP2: Scoring: D. Chark Jr (WR) (LSU): PTS: 6, REC: 1, TD: 1, TP/G: 3.0
GP2: Scoring: C. Thompson (RB) (Florida State): REC: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP2: Scoring: J. Robinson (RB) (Illinois State): RUSH: 1, TD: 1, PTS: 6, TP/G: 3.0
GP1: SOLO: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): 6, AST: 6
GP2: SOLO: J. Jones (S) (North Carolina State): 9, AST: 10, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): 8, AST: 3, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1
GP2: SOLO: M. Jack (LB) (UCLA): 14, AST: 8, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 6, TFL: 1.5, PD: 1, INT: 0: TD: 0,
GP1: SOLO: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): 5, TFL: 1
GP2: SOLO: J. Schobert (LB) (Wisconsin): 11, AST: 7, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1.5, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): 6, AST: 3
GP2: SOLO: DJ. Hayden (CB) (Houston): 7, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): 5, INT: 1, PD: 3, YDS: 22, LNG: 22
GP2: SOLO: C. Henderson (CB) (Florida): 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 4, INT: 1, YDS: 22, LNG: 22, TD: 0,
GP1: SOLO: J. Wilson (S): 3, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, , TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP1: SOLO: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): 4, PD: 1
GP2: SOLO: T. Herndon (CB) (Vanderbilt): 6, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): 1, AST: 2
GP2: SOLO: A. Gotsis (DE) (Georgia Tech): 4, AST: 3, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): 3
GP2: SOLO: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): 3, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): 2, INT: 1, PD: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12
GP2: SOLO: A. Wingard (S) (Wyoming): 9, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 1, INT: 1, YDS: 12, LNG: 12, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): 1, AST: 1
GP2: SOLO: K. Chaisson (LB) (LSU): 2, AST: 2, SACK: 1, SCKYDS: 8, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): 2
GP2: SOLO: D. Hamilton (DT) (Ohio State): 2, AST: 3, SACK: 0,
GP2: SOLO: C. Marsh Sr (DE) (UCLA): 2, AST 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): 1
GP2: SOLO: D. Thomas (S) (Auburn): 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: SOLO: T. Jernigan (DT) (Florida State): 0, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): 1
GP2: SOLO: L. Jacobs (LB) (Wisconsin): 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 1, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: SOLO: Abry Jones (DT) (Georgia): 1, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LND: 0, TD: 0 (Currently on Injury List)
GP1: AST: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): 2
GP2: SOLO: J. Allen (LB) (Kentucky): 0, AST: 2, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: SOLO: S. Quarterman (LB) (Miami): SOLO: 2, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: SOLO: D. Smoot (DE) (Illinoise): 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: SOLO: C. Robinson (OT) (Alabama): 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: SOLO: Cann (G) (South Carolina): 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2: SOLO: T. Bryan (DT) (Florida): 1, AST: 0, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP2:: SOLO: B. Watson (CB) (Michigan): 0, AST: 1, SACK: 0, SCKYDS: 0, TFL: 0, PD: 0, INT: 0, YDS: 0, LNG: 0, TD: 0
GP1: J. Lambo (PK) (A&M): FGM: 1, FGA: 2, 50+: 1-1, XPM: 3, XPA: 3, FG: 2, FG%: 100, PAT: 3, LNG: 50, PTS: 9, 40-49: 1-1
GP2: J. Lambo (PK) (A&M): FGM: 3, FGA: 3, 50+: 1-1, XPM: 6, XPA: 7, FG: 3, FG%: 100.0, PAT: 6, LNG: 50, PTS: 15, 40-49: 1-1, TP/G: 7.5, 30-39: 1-1, XP%: 85.7
GP1: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 2, YDS: 50, AVG: 25.0, LNG: 39
GP2: C. Claybrooks (CB) (Memphis): ATT: 3, YDS: 50, AVG: 16.7, LNG: 39, PUNTS ATT: 1, PUNTS FC: 1
GP1: L. Cooke (P) (Mississippi State): PUNTS: 3, YDS: 136, LNG: 53, AVG: 45.3, NET: 45.3, IN20: 1, FC: 1
GP2: L. Cooke (P) (Mississippi State): PUNTS: 5, YDS: 216, LNG: 53, AVG: 43.2, NET: 43.2, IN20: 2, FC: 1, ATT
September 14, 2020 in Hel + Sports
Jaguars vs Colts
Helen Cross
Sports Writer
Okay on this Pro-Football Sunday, was just such a headache for me…so I’m going to write down as much as I can on what I do have written down. I was interrupted with SOLAR commercials keeping me from watching a live version of the Jaguars’ Game. So I had no choice, but to resort to ESPN game cast on my iPhone and from the help of a friend, Jeremy Zier from Colorado … & Pro-Football Radio on my laptop, because the game was interrupted on the TV.
Well, within five plus five plus eight + minutes and 46+ seconds into the game, the Colts score three points. Not a good start for the Jaguars!
(During and by this time I technically spent most of the 1st half trying to fix the TV so that I can watch the game, but it was unsuccessful!)
It’s in the 2nd, and the JAGS still has yet to score, and then Minshew gets sacked.
We are still in the 2nd and the Jags are finally moving those chains, but unfortunately ties with the Colts at 14.
We are at the end of the 1st half, and the JAGS are behind by 3!
(Most of the 2nd half, my time was also spent trying to fix the TV so that I can try to at least get a glimpse of the 2nd half of the game at least, but again it was unsuccessful!)
We are now in the 3rd, and the JAGS tie the Colts at 17.
UGH…What such a shitty day! Fixing the TV and stuff, not able to watch my JAGs play!
What’s with this tying bullshit!?!? Sorry to be hard on the JAGS, I am just really upset cause I can’t watch them live and all, but…anyway, we have to stomp every team during every game in order to be undefeated super bowl champs, which is my hope for my JAGS, this season! That means we have to be at least two touchdowns ahead during every game! Yes, that’s right, I said TWO TDs!
I do have to admit our defense has improved a great deal, especially in INTs!
Our O line, on the other hand, as far as sacks go…those need to be eliminated! We can’t have our offensive line get our QB sacked three + times in each game, anymore! This is not good for our O-Line to begin our 1st game with our QB sacked three plus times, you know! Please JAGs O-Line get better at that and eliminate those sacks!
Its the end of the 3rd, and the JAGS & Colts still tie at 17.
We are now in the 4th, and 9 minutes in the fourth, the Colts score a field goal. So that leaves my JAGS, behind by 3!
Some good news…five minutes left in the 4th, and my JAGS lead by 4!
Three minutes left in the 4th, and the JAGS now lead by 7.
We are at the two minute warning, and JAGS still lead by seven!
44 seconds left in the 4th and my JAGS still lead by 7, again!
So far, the JAGS are undefeated!
GO JAGS!!!!!
“Marrone says he thought his defense tackled better as the game went along. One thing evident is #Jaguars have more speed on both sides of (the) ball, especially skill positions.” Eugene Frenette
“Marrone says he’s seen Collin Johnson do a back-flip before Sunday victory celebration in victory formation. Adds he’s not a big fan of it out of concern he might turn an ankle or get hurt somehow. #Jaguars” Eugene Frenette
#SOURCES: -ESPN, -Hel+Sports, –